Home » Boschi quotes Meloni: “Where is democracy if Parliament cannot discuss the Maneuver?”

Boschi quotes Meloni: “Where is democracy if Parliament cannot discuss the Maneuver?”

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Boschi quotes Meloni: “Where is democracy if Parliament cannot discuss the Maneuver?”

«We don’t complain about the choices we don’t agree with, because the majority has the right and the duty to make choices. We complain about the disrespectful, indecent way in which Parliament has been treated. It is serious, unfair and not worthy of a democracy like ours”. Maria Elena Boschi spoke in the Chamber during the discussion of the budget law and announced her vote against the maneuver of the Action-Italia Viva Renew Europe group, echoing the words that Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni pronounced in Montecitorio in 2019.

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«I will read some shareable words. “Parliamentary democracy means that Parliament decides, that Parliament is central. Where is democracy if Parliament cannot discuss the budget law, which is the first prerogative of parliaments since the end of absolute monarchies?» Boschi declared. “If you remove the budget law from Parliament, there is no parliamentary democracy and there is not even a Parliament – ​​he continued -. When it comes to government, don’t we need the constitution and the parliament? It is a shame what happened with this maneuver. A maxi amendment on which trust was placed because the government had to amend itself”.

Maneuver, Boschi quotes a speech by Meloni: “Where is parliamentary democracy?”

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Boschi underlined “wise” words that we “endorse” and that “the majority should also endorse, because they were Giorgia Meloni’s words three years ago”. The deputy then attacked: “Now the least the majority can do, with humility, is to apologize, because you did what Conte did”.

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