Home » Udinese, a great test of attack in Cremona

Udinese, a great test of attack in Cremona

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Udinese, a great test of attack in Cremona

A real hail out of season. Duration at least one time, the first.

Here is the image to describe Udinese’s last test, yesterday in Cremona against Massimiliano Alvini’s Grigiorossi, a far from perfect test – there was no shortage of smudges in the defensive phase, to be eliminated as soon as possible -, but which exalted the offensive potential of the bianconeri, above all in the reversals in front, despite the absence of what can be considered the artist in Andrea Sottil’s service, Gerard Deulofeu, still not completely recovered from the injury to his left knee accused during the last game before the break reserved for the World Cup, against Napoli at the Maradona stadium.

Time is running out, Wednesday 4 January the dancing will start again in Serie A too and Empoli will be in Friuli, but at least yesterday Udinese was able to breathe in a little optimism, given the sensational conditions of Isaac Success, the Nigerian who was Beto’s partner in the attack against a team that will not be irresistible (third from last place with 7 points), but two months ago he forced the “Sottil gang” to a 0-0 draw right at the Zini stadium which he left quite a bitter taste, affecting the ranking of the black and white people who closed 2022 in decline, in eighth place.

Success churned out assist after assist in the first half, also considering those wasted by his teammates (Pereyra and Lovric in particular) with those imprecise shots, and in the second half he tried to go it alone by producing the most dangerous goal action before leaving the post to baby Simone Pafundi.

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In any case, two thought about the goals in the initial fraction: Arslan who scored twice and Beto who closed the score.

And yet, as we have mentioned, Udinese first had to defuse a couple of dangerous chances from the former Pordenone player Frank Tsadjout (double rejected by an always attentive Marco Silvestri) favored by a certain lightness in the approach on the flanks and then replace the goal by Milanese propitiated by a decisive deviation with the head of Beto.

Within six minutes, however, Sottil’s team was already ahead, a lead strengthened shortly after the first half hour of play and held firmly in his hands in the second half, when the coach from Venaria also started the substitutions for Udogie , the observed special, given the return after the long break, author of 64 comforting minutes.

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