Home » The daily output of two types of key antipyretic and analgesic drugs reached 190 million tablets, which is more than 4 times higher than that in early December_China Economic Net——National Economic Portal

The daily output of two types of key antipyretic and analgesic drugs reached 190 million tablets, which is more than 4 times higher than that in early December_China Economic Net——National Economic Portal

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The daily output of two types of key antipyretic and analgesic drugs reached 190 million tablets, which is more than 4 times higher than that in early December

Go all out to ensure the supply of medical supplies and medicines (effectively coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development)

Our reporter Wang Zheng

Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Pharmaceutical Factory No. 6 stepped up the production of ibuprofen granules and Pediatric paracetamol Huang Namin granules, expanding the production line from 3 to 6, with a daily output of over 100,000 boxes.

Northeast Pharmaceuticals of Fangda Group in Liaoning Province has a number of production lines running day and night, including acetaminophen tablets and compound paracetamol tablets, and the daily output of some products has doubled as usual.

In the production workshop of Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., more than 100 employees “work in three shifts” and work 24 hours a day. On December 30, the company’s production of ibuprofen tablets increased to 14,000 tablets per minute.

The daily output of antigen detection reagents of Wuhan Mingde Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has reached 5.4 million copies, more than twice the previous increase. With the continuous launch of new production equipment, it is expected that the daily output will exceed 8 million servings by the beginning of January 2023.


“In the past few days, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has gone all out to ensure the production of medical materials, organized and mobilized more than 750 key enterprises in key provinces, tried every means to expand production capacity, and continued to improve the production and supply capacity of key medical materials such as vaccines, therapeutic drugs, testing reagents, and protective equipment. At the same time, according to the peak time of the epidemic situation in various places, we will make precise deployment according to the priority, and make every effort to ensure the epidemic prevention and control needs of key areas and key populations.

Sending commissioners to the company, the daily production of ibuprofen and acetaminophen increased by more than 4 times

Walking into the production workshop of Shanxi Fenhe Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., the workers are working hard to increase the production of acetaminophen tablets.

“In the beginning, the company’s daily production of acetaminophen tablets was only 880,000 tablets.” Li Yi, a special commissioner stationed in the company and deputy director of the Second Division of Equipment Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, introduced that after learning about the above situation, they summarized the company’s needs to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on the same day. The following day, the Ministry of Consumer Goods Industry Department organized a raw material scheduling meeting to coordinate the urgent supply of raw material drugs to Baikang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province. Today, the daily production of acetaminophen tablets of Fenhe Pharmaceutical has increased to 3.6 million tablets.

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According to reports, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has sent 34 special commissioners stationed in enterprises to work on-site to coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the production of enterprises, and to ensure the production and supply of key drugs.

“Solving normal medication is the top priority of ensuring the supply of medical supplies at present.” Wang Jiangping said that in response to the short-term surge in demand for ibuprofen, acetaminophen and other drugs in the early stage, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology immediately mobilized the entire system and related enterprises to deploy quickly , Consolidate responsibilities, focus on fast-drying, increase production and expand capacity, and make every effort to ensure the production and supply of key antipyretic and analgesic drugs.

——Organize key enterprises to stabilize and increase production. Print and distribute the “Notice on Rapidly Increased Production and Capacity Expansion to Do a Good Job in the Production and Supply of Key Antipyretic and Analgesic Drugs”, establish a white list of key supply guarantee enterprises, and guide enterprises to make full use of measures such as increasing production schedules and adjusting similar production lines to switch production and expand capacity. Horsepower, 24-hour full-load production, and do everything possible to improve production and supply capacity.

——Implement a daily scheduling mechanism for drug production. Organize local industrial and information authorities to “one enterprise, one policy” to help enterprises increase production and expand capacity, monitor and dispatch two types of drug production capacity, output, and demand for raw materials on a daily basis to ensure production and supply.

——Strengthen the supervision service for key enterprises. Appoint specialists to work on-site, coordinate and solve difficulties in enterprise logistics, labor, raw material procurement, etc., break through the bottlenecks of stable production and increase of key drugs, and ensure continuous production and stable supply of enterprises.

Wang Jiangping said that the industry and information system and related companies have gone all out and worked hard day and night. The production of two key antipyretic and analgesic drugs, ibuprofen and acetaminophen, has increased rapidly. The daily production capacity has now reached 202 million tablets, and the daily output has reached 1.9 100 million pieces, compared with the beginning of December, the current daily output and supply have increased by more than 4 times. Since December 1, a total of 2.488 billion pieces have been produced and 2.412 billion pieces have been supplied to the market. The main production provinces include Shanxi, Shandong, and Hubei. Among them, the highest daily output of four types of antipyretics for children, including ibuprofen and acetaminophen suspension, dry suspension, granules, and oral liquid, reached 1.12 million bottles, and the main production provinces include Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Guangdong; in addition, The daily output of pediatric paracetamol huangnamin and pediatric paracetamol reached 15.7 million bags.

“Overall, my country’s pharmaceutical industry has a solid foundation, a complete industrial chain, and sufficient production capacity, which can meet the national drug demand.” Wang Jiangping said that with the joint efforts of all parties, the production capacity of various medical materials has been continuously released, and the output has increased rapidly. Further overall planning and deployment will be carried out, and precise delivery will be made, and the problem of difficulty in purchasing medicines reported by the people will gradually be alleviated.

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The daily production capacity of antigen detection reagent enterprises reached 110 million units, and the daily output of oximeters increased to more than 250,000 units

Walking into Shandong Kanghua Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd., 126 sets of fully automatic card-filling and bagging equipment, automatic boxing equipment, and fully automatic filling equipment are fully powered, “white + black” and “three shifts” production, the new crown virus The daily production capacity of antigen detection reagents has reached 3 million copies.

The production workshop of mask manufacturer Lanhe Medical is producing N95 masks at full speed 24 hours a day. After the new technological transformation production line is put into use, the daily production capacity will increase from about 100,000 to 300,000.

“The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology coordinates and promotes production companies to do everything possible to increase the production capacity of key medical materials, accelerate stable production and increase production, and increase the production and supply of key medical materials such as antigen detection reagents, vaccines, masks, and oximeters.” He Yaqiong, director of the Consumer Products Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said.

– Antigen detection reagents. At present, the State Food and Drug Administration has approved 49 new coronavirus antigen detection reagent products, and the company’s daily production capacity has expanded from 60 million in early December to 110 million, an increase of 83%. Since December 1, a total of 1.49 billion servings have been produced and 1.67 billion servings have been supplied to the market.

——New Corona Virus Vaccine. At present, 13 new crown vaccines in my country have been approved for conditional marketing or approved for emergency use, and the world‘s largest new crown vaccine production line has been built, with an annual production capacity of more than 7 billion doses and an output of more than 5.5 billion doses, which can meet the “all-in-one” need. Among them, the four vaccines that have been approved for emergency use recently have added more than 2 billion doses of new production capacity.

——N95 masks. Further strengthen the production scheduling of N95 masks and accelerate the release of production capacity of enterprises. The scope of dispatching enterprises has expanded from 50 in early December to more than 500, and the daily production capacity of enterprises has exceeded 190 million. N95 masks can guarantee sufficient supply.

——Finger clip pulse oximeter. Organize production enterprises to increase the production and supply of finger-clip pulse oximeters, and the daily output has increased from 115,000 units in early December to more than 250,000 units. In the next step, we will continue to help companies expand production capacity and meet market demand faster.

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The “Purchasing Protection Platform for Patients Infected with New Coronary Virus” is launched and will give priority to the protection of key places such as nursing homes

Kangbashi District, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region distributes medicines to the masses in “fever pharmacies”, and dismantles and distributes antipyretic medicines and other shortages of anti-epidemic medicines.

Mangshi, Yunnan Province distributed 4.71 million yuan of medical supplies to border medical and health institutions.

In Qingdao City, Shandong Province, more than 2,000 bottles of ibuprofen were divided into packs of 10 capsules and distributed to more than 600 pharmacies for sale.


In order to ensure the public’s demand for antipyretic and cough medicines, various localities have adopted various measures to alleviate the shortage of some medicines, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has also strengthened the deployment and supply of medicines to key areas.

According to Wang Jiangping, according to the peak situation of the epidemic situation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology insists on “a game of chess across the country”, coordinates and strengthens inter-provincial deployment, and ensures the production and supply of key medical materials. As of December 28, a total of 174 million tablets of ibuprofen, 60 million tablets of acetaminophen, and more than 550 million copies of antigen detection reagents have been allocated across provinces to key areas.

“The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with the Ministry of Commerce, organized a large-scale e-commerce platform to explore the establishment of a ‘medicine protection platform for people infected with the new crown virus’ on the basis of pilot projects in Tianjin and Shijiazhuang.” He Yaqiong introduced that the platform is currently in 11 cities including Beijing, Hebei, and Zhejiang. It has been put into operation in the province, and 6.6 million doses of various medicines have been put into use, serving nearly 2 million patients, 80% of whom are served in rural and remote areas.

He Yaqiong said that through the implementation of the “Purchase Protection Platform for Patients Infected with New Coronary Virus”, the accurate and rapid delivery of medicines to patients can be realized, and the order response ability and delivery efficiency can also be improved. In the next step, we will support the promotion of e-commerce platforms across the country, give priority to ensuring the supply of medical supplies in key places and positions such as medical institutions, home patients, nursing homes, etc., increase the delivery of medicines in rural areas, continuously improve the timeliness of drug delivery, and effectively guarantee the county Drug demand of the rural population. (People’s Daily)

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