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Cremonese, Alvini: “We have to apologize, we didn’t play the match we wanted”

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Cremonese, Alvini: “We have to apologize, we didn’t play the match we wanted”

At the Bentegodi the match was decided by a brace from Lazovic in the first half. The Grigiorossi are now alone last in the standings with 7 points

The tenth defeat in the championship of the Cremonese comes on the field of Verona. Coach Massimiliano Alvini commented on the match to Dazn’s microphones as follows: “Yes, I expected a different match. We wanted to do something different and we didn’t succeed, we just have to apologize for not being able to do what we wanted. Point We started well in the first 6-7 minutes, then we conceded as often happens to us and we didn’t react compared to other games where we always stayed in the match. We were longer and less aggressive, this is very clear. We didn’t played the game we wanted to play and we were less aggressive”.

“The penalty not awarded in the first half? I haven’t seen him and I don’t want to judge him – continues the grey-red coach -, I certainly don’t want to appeal to that and it’s not the situation that needs to be analyzed at the moment. We didn’t do well, he must admit. This is not the game we wanted to play and the responsibilities are certainly ours. Attack change? We tried to move the three up front so as not to give Verona other points of reference, but I mustn’t penalize the single performance, we haven’t all been there. We tried, but we didn’t succeed. The ranking? Surely the balance isn’t positive, this match was important for us for many reasons and we didn’t do it well. We recognize it, but surely the goal is inside. A match like tonight’s, just a few days after a completely different one, leaves everyone feeling sad. We are not the ones of tonight. There’s time, it’s logical that this performance isn’t the right path, it was Wednesday’s”.

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