Home » Zhang Jingchu denies the rumors over the years and calls on everyone to use the law to defend their honor-Minnan.com

Zhang Jingchu denies the rumors over the years and calls on everyone to use the law to defend their honor-Minnan.com

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Zhang Jingchu denies the rumors over the years and calls on everyone to use the law to defend their honor-Minnan.com

On January 10, Zhang Jingchu issued an article denying the rumors of these years. The article stated: “The Internet is not a place outside the law. Our company firmly protects the legal rights of Ms. Zhang Jingchu. For malicious rumors and slanderous remarks, our company will entrust a law firm to continue to pay attention. Pursue responsibility to the end. Here we also hope that everyone can distinguish right from wrong, don’t believe in rumors and don’t spread rumors, and work together to create a harmonious and beautiful network environment.”

Afterwards, Zhang Jingchu posted a video on the social platform about the recent rumors against her on the Internet over the past few years, including some pornographic rumors, and finally fought her first lawsuit in her life. She called on everyone to take up the law to defend their honor when targeting false statements, and bravely defend their rights. The Internet is not a place outside the law, and everyone must be responsible for their own statements!

She also said that the most common and effective way since ancient times is to make pornographic rumors, which is also the lowest cost to attack a woman, deny the efforts and efforts of women in the workplace, and attribute all the achievements of women to relying on men.

In this regard, many netizens expressed: “The Internet is not a place outside the law”, “A female star’s life of being rumored”, “Zhang Jingchu’s attitude is so rigid”.

It is reported that Zhang Jingchu officially debuted in 2000, and won the Silver Bear Award at the Berlin International Film Festival in the third year for her role as Gao Weihong in “Peacock”. Since then, her career has been on the uphill road.

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But in 2006, rumors about the scandal between Zhang Jingchu and director Gu Changwei suddenly spread. Later, Zhang Jingchu and Zhang Jiarui rented together, and it was revealed that they stayed overnight together; Zhang Jingchu and Feng Xiaogang were filming, and the scandal continued.

Zhang Jingchu once responded on a variety show. She said: “When I first saw the rumors, I was so angry that I vomited blood, and even felt that I was quite powerless.” care.

Zhang Jingchu, formerly known as Zhang Jing, was born on February 2, 1980 in Yong’an City, Sanming City, Fujian Province. She is an actress from Mainland China and graduated from the Directing Department of the Central Academy of Drama.

Original title: Zhang Jingchu posted a video in response to the false rumor: hit a woman at the lowest cost

Editor in charge: Li Xiaoling

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