Home » Hakimi, the tribute in Morocco: a stadium with his name

Hakimi, the tribute in Morocco: a stadium with his name

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Hakimi, the tribute in Morocco: a stadium with his name

The former Inter Milan player honored after the national team’s run in the World Cup in Qatar.

The great path of Morocco in the recent World Cup in Qatar he generated great enthusiasm in his homeland. Among the protagonists who have also stood out the former Inter Achrafi Hakimi. Just the outside, now at the Paris Saint Germainhas received an important tribute in these hours.

In his hometown, in Ksar el-Kebir, the player saw it stadio of the city to be named after him. A plant that has been carrying, for a few hours, therefore its own Name. The same footballer up Instagram and also during the ceremony he thanked everyone for the great recognition: “I am so happy to be with you today. I thank the whole city of Ksar el-Kebir. I am very happy to see the mayor of the city and the good things he has done We work for the good of Morocco. This is my mother’s city where I spent a lot of time as a child. Thank you all.”

Sui social Judge he also added: “For me it was a privilege to be able to inaugurate the stadium that bears my name. A great honor to be loved so much. I really thank all of you fans and the Moroccan authorities. This city has a special place in my heart like everyone else. you”.

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