Home » “Dawn of the East” plot to the final climax The economic line and the spy battle line go side by side

“Dawn of the East” plot to the final climax The economic line and the spy battle line go side by side

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“Dawn of the East” plot to the final climax The economic line and the spy battle line go side by side

The major revolutionary drama “Dawn of the East” tells the glorious history of the Chinese Communists liberating and governing Shanghai with their strong ideals, beliefs, political wisdom and relying on the broad masses of the people. Since its broadcast, it has won the first place in ratings for 8 consecutive days, and the comprehensive ratings of Zhejiang Satellite TV reached 2.519%, which is the highest ratings since 2023. The highest ratings of a single episode reached 1.112%, the average ratings of Suofurui National Network was 0.90, and the microblog topic “Dawn of the East” had a reading volume of 170 million+.

Shanghai’s industrial and commercial circles and physical factories overcome difficulties for the first time

In the episodes broadcast on Monday and Tuesday, using cooking as a metaphor for opening a factory, Rong Yiren talked about the difficulties faced by Shanghai enterprises and his own solutions. At the same time, Lu Xiuyuan and Ji Nanyin were ordered to go to Hong Kong to invite capitalist Qin Shenghong to return to Shanghai to set up a factory with a personal letter from the leader. Faced with Qin Shenghong’s initial avoidance attitude, Lu Xiuyuan clarified the changes in the current situation and the stakes without being humble, not only succeeded in persuading Qin Shenghong, but also impressed Ji Nanyin.

Yangshupu Power Plant, Shanghai’s power hub, responded to the city’s thrift initiative and decided to renovate boilers that consume a lot of energy, focusing on gas storage and slag discharge. However, the American engineer responsible for providing technical support refused to cooperate, so a proud “independent research and development” was carried out. With the unremitting efforts of everyone, Yangshupu Power Plant finally completed the power transformation independently. This high-profile episode made the audience feel very excited, and their self-confidence and pride were born spontaneously, and they exclaimed, “This is the craftsman of a great country and the speed of China!”

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In Beiping, everyone unanimously agreed to add wheat ears to the national emblem, and relayed: “At any time, the affairs of peasant friends are related to national affairs!” A new socialist China that insists on people-centered is just like the rising sun. The plot makes the audience full of expectations.

  Difficulties continue like sand dunes, and many mysteries are about to be revealed

“Dawn of the East” is gradually reaching its climax and ending soon. In the plot of the last few days, more thrilling and dangerous events are about to happen.

On the economic front, prices in Shanghai, which were once stable, have skyrocketed again. This time, the situation is even more complicated than before. Speculators intensified their efforts and joined forces with underground banks to carry out “daily demolition”, which seriously disrupted the capital turnover plan of factories and caused a large number of enterprises to stop working. At the same time, the Kuomintang’s air raids on Shanghai have become more frequent, and the whole of Shanghai has fallen into panic, and various prices have soared more than five times… An imminent “trade war” will start again.

On the espionage front, Pan Liren, an enemy agent, attacked the leader again. At the critical moment, who stepped forward to let the mayor escape the ambush? Can Pan Liren be successfully captured by Li Shiying and Tian Guoli? Who is the mysterious man hiding in the dark and firing a black gun? Can Tian Guoli and others finally find out this vicious “guest”?

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The major revolutionary drama “Dawn of the East” is being premiered exclusively on CCTV-1 during prime time, Dragon TV and Zhejiang Satellite TV at 19:30 every night, Tencent Video, iQiyi, Youku, Migu Video, and BesTV at 22:00 out.

责编:张晓荣 ]

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