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Let’s get to work in the Villa’s pools!

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Let’s get to work in the Villa’s pools!

Julian Andres Santa

The Mayor of Pereira, Carlos Maya, was present yesterday at the pools of the Olympic Village, where he announced the start of works, remodeling and construction on this stage to host the National Games in November. “Again, many tricks are woven, many discussions and concerns, but in the case that I am responsible, Pereira will comply with all his schedules. A work of this important purpose begins, a contractor with a high trajectory and experience has been selected”.

What will the stage do?

Harold Sierra, director of the modernization of the Aquatic Complex of the Olympic Village, responds: “The construction of a new swimming pool for diving, 20×25, by five meters deep, with a new tower complying with all standards, is planned. for international commitments. The Olympic pool is going to undergo a general repair, the veneer is going to be changed and it is going to be left complying with all the updated FINA regulations”.

New stands and press area

We are going to build a new grandstand, the current one is going to be demolished in its entirety and we will build a new one with a roof and in the lower part there will be all the dressing rooms and the technical conditions that are required for international stages. In the front part where it is patrimonial, it will be preserved and will be enabled as a press area for the National Games”.

We are going to look good with Colombia “

Time is always right but with the experience we have had, we were also at the Central American Games in Barranquilla in the aquatic complex and we were able to fulfill the commitment and we can say that on this occasion we will also comply, we have the games shirt on and we are going to look good with Pereira and with Colombia”, he pointed out.

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Motivated with the start

Alexandra Valencia, president of the Risaraldense Swimming League, referred to the beginning of the works. “It makes us nostalgic but at the same time very happy because we see that dream that is a sports venue with all the conditions, a new swimming pool and the truth for us that we have a large number of competitions is being able to think that we are going to have those national events. and international”.

Details of the work

Work value: $15,998,161,795.07

Audit value: $1,119,871,326.00

Date of publication of pre-bills: September 23, 2022

Process number: SMDR-LP-180-2022

Process number in SECOP: C01.BDOS.3308743

Probable award date: November 24

Intervention area: 6314 M2

Built area: 3425 M2

Expected capacity: 300 spectators

Work start date: January 18, 2023

Tentative Completion Date: October 15, 2023

Jobs created: 30

Say Viviana Uribe. diver

I really have high expectations with everything they have told us, what they have shown us about the stage as it will turn out and I know that if they deliver it to us as they are promising, it will be a great development for the discipline of diving”.

Say David Arias. Swimming

With the hope that everything can go well, if it remains as mentioned it will be of international stature, we will have a suitable setting for training and competitions, so we have faith that all the constructions will go well”.

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