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reduces the rate of death from heart disease by about 39%

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reduces the rate of death from heart disease by about 39%

Anyone who takes Viagra has 25% less likely to die prematurely than those who do not take it. Researchers at the University of Southern California (USC) looked at 70,000 adult men with an average age of 52, all diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. Men who used the blue pill also reduced their risk of early death by a quarter. Ergo: Viagra is useful for more than one part of the body: it can also be good for the heart because it can reduce the risk of suffering from serious cardiovascular problemsreduces the rate of death from heart disease by about 39%.

Let’s see why. Experts believe that the drug increases blood flow in the arteries of the heart and improves the flow of oxygen throughout the body. For this reason, previous research has also linked Viagra use to a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s, which can be caused by a lack of blood flow to the brain.
Warning: Although the results of this study are promising, Doctors do not recommend taking the drug off-label, without a prescription, and it has only been approved for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

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The drug works by thinning the blood. Older men are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure and other problems that thicken the blood and reduce its flow in the body. And they often suffer from erectile dysfunction precisely because of these particular vascular conditions.
The latest study, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, collected data from more than 70,000 men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (hereafter ED) from 2006 to 2020. Using medical records, it was possible to determine which ones were on ED medications and what heart problems they subsequently suffered during the follow-up period.

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Among the population, 23,816 used the drugs to help in the bedroom, while another 48,682 did not use them. The results? The researchers found that those who used these drugs were less likely to suffer from heart problems. Overall, deaths from heart disease decreased by almost 40%.

ED drug users were also 17% less likely to suffer from heart failure (when the heart doesn’t pump as well as it should). There was also a 22% decrease in the likelihood of developing coronary artery problems when the oxygen and blood supply to the heart was lowered. All conditions which, if not treated properly, significantly increase the likelihood of a heart attack.

In essence, Viagra promotes blood flow throughout the body and reduces the risk of clotting and other blockages that cause serious heart problems. This is because the blue pill thins the blood to help it flow to the genital organ, leading to stronger erections. It also improves blood flow through the brachial artery, a major blood vessel that supplies blood to the upper arm, elbow, and hand.

Not only. The increased blood flow can be good for the brain as well. A 2014 study found that men who used these drugs had a lower risk of developing dementia.

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The drug, which has been produced by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer since it was first released on the market in 1998, was initially intended for elderly men suffering from erectile dysfunction. In recent years, however, recalls the Daily Mail, its use has also grown among young people, given that the rates of mild or moderate erectile dysfunction have reached 20% among 20-year-old men and 30% among those in their 30s. years, according to City Care Family Practice.

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Like all medicines it can be dangerous if used improperly. It can have side effects and it is essential to take it only with a doctor’s prescription. It can cause priapism, which is a sustained erection that causes permanent damage, and also has some dangerous interactions with high cholesterol medications.

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