Home » Sleepwalking, what are the causes and how is it treated? The different unwanted behaviors during sleep

Sleepwalking, what are the causes and how is it treated? The different unwanted behaviors during sleep

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Sleepwalking, what are the causes and how is it treated?  The different unwanted behaviors during sleep

A particularly restless sleep often signal the so-called parasonniea large group of disorders characterized by unwanted and unexpected events accompanying the stages of sleep, of which the sleepwalking only one of the possible manifestations.

Normal sleep consists of several cycles (usually 4-5 per night). Each cycle includes 5 sleep phases: falling asleep, light sleep, transition to deep sleep, deep sleep where it is difficult to wake up and REM phase with intense dreams.

Depending on the stage of sleep in which they occur, parasomnias are classified into two main groups.

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