Home » Paris, tensions in the march against the pension reform: 20 arrested

Paris, tensions in the march against the pension reform: 20 arrested

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Paris, tensions in the march against the pension reform: 20 arrested

PARIS. Riots were registered in the maxi demonstration underway in Paris against the pension reform proposed by the government. The police have so far made 20 arrests in about 200 demonstrations organized throughout the country. The scuffles took place in the boulevard Beaumarchais area, where “members of the black bloc” took action, writes the French newspaper.

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Almost a third of civil servants joined the national strike, called by the eight main trade unions (CFDT, CGT, FO, CFE-CGC, CFTC, UNSA, Solidaires, FSU) against the pension reform proposed by the government. According to reports The worldciting data from the Ministry of Civil Service, almost three out of ten employees (28%) in the public sector are on strike in the middle of the mobilization day.


This is a drop of five points compared to the 2019 mobilizations again against a pension reform project that was later withdrawn. In detail, 42.35% of teachers signed up for primary school, 34.66% for secondary school, according to data provided by the ministry. These are figures below those provided by the unions: SNES-FSU, the main secondary school union, announced in the morning a rate of 65% of teachers in the secondary school on strike, and SNUipp-FSU, the main primary school union, speaks of 70%.

At the Socie’te’ Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais, the country’s main railway operator, 46.3% of the employees went on strike, which led to the cancellation of numerous trains.


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