Home » Is eating 100 grams of dark chocolate good for you? Here is the truth

Is eating 100 grams of dark chocolate good for you? Here is the truth

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Is eating 100 grams of dark chocolate good for you?  Here is the truth

Many people love chocolate, but try to avoid it so as not to gain weight. In fact, if eaten in small quantities, it is a very beneficial food for our health. Obviously, there are various types, but we find the beneficial properties above all in those that contain a percentage of cocoa higher than 70%i.e. dark chocolate. So let’s go and see what the benefits of this product are and how much we can eat per day.

Is eating 100 grams of dark chocolate good for you? Here is the truth

The benefits of chocolate are due to the presence of flavonoids, or antioxidants that help the heart and the cardiorespiratory system. Furthermore, being antioxidants they help to counteract cellular aging. It also contains theobromine, which has vasodilatory effects and also lowers blood pressure. lower blood pressure. Next, we have tryptophan, or a natural antidepressant which transformed into serotonin, helps improve mood. We also have large concentrations of

caffeine and theobromine, which have stimulating properties and help concentration. Mind the presence of polyphenols helps to strengthen the immunitary defense.

As we said before, there are many varieties but it is always advisable to choose the dark one, since it has more benefits for our body. We can find the dark one 60%, 70%, 85%, 99% and 100% pure. In general, it is recommended to consume the one with the highest percentage of cocoa, but if some are not used to the bitter taste, they can start with the 60% one and then increase.

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Dark chocolate is rich in properties but it is also rich in fats and carbohydrates, so you have to exaggerate. On average, in 100 grams of product we have 500 kcal. If I know how to eat it, once in a while it is recommended not to exceed 30 grams, but if it is a daily consumption it is better not to consume more than 5-10 grams, so as to get only benefits, without however gaining weight.

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