Home » Intangible cultural heritage paper-cut “rabbit” auspiciously – Xinhua English.news.cn

Intangible cultural heritage paper-cut “rabbit” auspiciously – Xinhua English.news.cn

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News from CNR Hengyang on January 22 (Reporter Zhang Zhicheng, Correspondent Liu Shipeng and Chen Yao) “Snake coils rabbit, generations get rich.” Liu Dan held up the cut work and showed it to the reporter. The light radiates outward through the hollow of the red paper-cut, and the lucky rabbit in the center of the work is shrouded in a ruddy halo, with big cute eyes twinkling. Liu Dan introduced that the implication contained in this work is happiness, wishful thinking, wealth, and auspiciousness, wishing the prosperity of the motherland and the people happiness and well-being.

Paper-cut artists display new paper-cut works for the Year of the Rabbit

Changning City, Hunan Province was named the “Hometown of Chinese Folk Art” by the Ministry of Culture in 2000, and Liu Dan was the president of the city’s paper-cut society. It has always been the heritage of the city’s paper-cut artists and lovers to use paper-cut art works to praise the great era and entrust a beautiful vision. On the eve of traditional festivals, local paper-cutting enthusiasts will gather at her home to learn new paper-cutting techniques and composition layouts, and brainstorm to create a series of red and festive paper-cutting works, using intangible cultural heritage to enhance the rich Chinese flavor.

Paper-cut lovers cut auspicious rabbits (photo provided by the correspondent of CNR.com)

Jianji Rabbit (photo courtesy of the correspondent of CNR.com)

According to the data, Chinese paper-cutting is a kind of folk art that uses scissors or carving knives to cut and carve patterns on paper, which is used to decorate life or cooperate with other folk activities. At present, the earliest paper-cut works found in China are the five paper-cuts of tuanhua during the Northern Dynasty (386-581 AD) unearthed near the Flame Mountain in Turpan, Xinjiang. According to professionals, paper-cutting has a broad mass base and blends into the social life of people of all ethnic groups, and is an important part of various folk activities. Its continuously inherited visual image and modeling format contain rich cultural and historical information, express a wide range of social cognition, moral concepts, practical experience, life ideals and aesthetic taste, and have the characteristics of cognition, education, expression, lyricism and entertainment. , communication and other multiple social values.

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In 2006, the paper-cut art heritage was approved by the State Council to be included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. In 2009, the Chinese paper-cut project was selected into the UNESCO “Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity”.

Sticking Rabbit Window Flowers (Photo provided by the correspondent of CNR.com)

It is understood that paper-cutting has been blooming everywhere in Changning City for more than 500 years. Changning paper-cut not only inherits and develops the traditional paper-cutting skills, but also absorbs the expression forms of prints and New Year pictures and the processing techniques of black, white and gray. It has paper-cutting, engraving and sticking paper, forming a unique style and charm.

Liu Dan said: “Every household cuts paper-cuts and pastes window grilles. It is an essential step to welcome the New Year in Changning. Putting beautiful and festive paper-cuts on the doors and windows will make the New Year more warm and more flavorful.”

Intangible cultural heritage paper-cut, “rabbit” auspicious.

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