Home » They found a body inside a sack in the town of Kennedy

They found a body inside a sack in the town of Kennedy

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They found a body inside a sack in the town of Kennedy

Once again, the discovery of a body in the streets of Bogotá is presented, this time the victim was a man who was inside a sack in the town of Kennedy.

The incident occurred in a vacant lot sector of El Amparowhere it was learned that the body showed signs of violence due to the presence of attacks with a sharp weapon and hanging.

“Unfortunately we have to register the homicide of a citizen in the town of Kennedy, El Amparo sector, which is the subject of an investigation by our judicial police,” said the Lieutenant Colonel Diego Enciso, Commander of the Kennedy Policequoted by Q’Hubo.

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The first version that is handled in this case is that the murder of the man occurred by the confrontation between criminal gangs, including the Tren de Aragua.

This is the second discovery of a corpse on a street in Bogotásince last week there was the case of Valentina Trespalacioswhose body appeared in a suitcase in a dumpster in Fontibón, whose main suspect is his sentimental partner John Poulos.

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