Home » Fabbrica d’Armi (Beretta Group) expands the business

Fabbrica d’Armi (Beretta Group) expands the business

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Fabbrica d’Armi (Beretta Group) expands the business

Fabbrica d’Armi, the main operational spa of the Beretta Group hits and exceeds the objectives for the year, closing the year with a turnover of 310 million, exceeding the expectations of the top management of the Brescia-based company. And the forecasts for the current year are for management in balance with respect to the recent past, also considering the positive impact linked to the entry into the group perimeter of Ammotec ammunition, which will increase the spa’s offer portfolio (with a expected contribution, when fully operational, approximately 20-30% more than current revenues) on the Italian market. Meanwhile, the 2022 result was obtained thanks to the driving force of the European market in the sports sector, with an increase of 50% compared to last year, and with a decisive contribution from Italy, with revenues of 21 million euros. The performance of the other revenue lines was also significant, such as the clothing division (+18%), accessories (+30%) and spare parts (+20%).

In detail, the spa increased its sales by 50% on both the French and German markets, and grew in the UK, the Nordic countries, Brazil, South Africa, Poland, while the USA, the historic reference market, essentially confirmed the threshold previous years. The Italian result further improves the historical record of the previous year. The overall increase in volumes was 18 percent.

«These are results – explains the president of Fabbrica d’Armi, Franco Gussalli Beretta – achieved thanks to the internal organizational and managerial effort. The good momentum of demand was important, but it would not have been enough to take us over the historic threshold of 300 million. The most substantial change of pace was made in Europe, but we also continued to search for new market and product niches». From this point of view, the debut of the new platform in the long rifled hunting gun, a new segment for Fabbrica d’Armi, was convincing. «The first year was positive, with 25,000 pieces sold against a higher demand – adds Franco Gussalli Beretta -. For this reason we are confident in a further expansion of sales in this area, above all in the light of the next step, linked to the landing of the offer on the American market». A further boost to turnover will be ensured, for the future, by the integration of the ammunition of the newly acquired (from the Beretta holding) Ammotec. «It’s a great opportunity for Fabbrica D’Armi – continues Beretta -: now we can offer ourselves as a 360-degree partner for the whole world of Italian hunting and shooting. We are working on integration, we should record the first results starting from the second half of the year: when fully operational, we expect an additional contribution on revenues of 20-30 per cent».

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The increase in energy costs weighed on the accounts for the year, going from 2.8 million in 2021 to 9.5 million last year, 7.5 of which in electricity. An expense that has not affected the ability to generate value (“the strong dollar and the increase in prices have allowed us to maintain a satisfactory margin” explains Gussalli Beretta), to continue hiring (“124 new hires, of which 72 full-time, linked to the production capacity expansion program» detailed Carlo Gussalli Beretta, digital innovation project manager) and to continue with the investment policies: 16 million spent in 2022, while a commitment of 13 million is expected for this year , of which 9.5 in machinery and 2.5 in digital projects. The company has strengthened the plant equipment, with more flexible operating units (able to work indistinctly on steel or aluminum) and adding a new work island (the third) for the guns. On the digital level, the use of predictive maintenance is progressing, while the foundations have been laid for a project to train future digital engravers (processing traditionally done by hand, using a burin). Finally, on an environmental level, the company’s commitment to eliminate the use of chrome in the production process.

The current year coincides with the launch of the new strategic plan, with the aim of reaching the goal of 500 years. «We expect to continue growing and there are all the conditions to continue along this path» explains Franco Gussalli Beretta. Specifically, the general manager Charles Ferlito he confirms that the budgets for the current year, «initially expected to decrease, are improving. We expect a consolidation, also taking into account the positive contribution of the integration of Ammotec».

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