Home » ChatGpt, EU stakes for artificial intelligence are on the way

ChatGpt, EU stakes for artificial intelligence are on the way

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ChatGpt, EU stakes for artificial intelligence are on the way

The risks of using artificial intelligence

Great opportunities but also unknowns. Thus the EU, in order not to be caught unprepared, as happened with the boom of social networks, is putting its hands forward as regards the intensive use of AI, i.e. artificial intelligence, on the internet. A phenomenon that exploded with Open Ai’s release of ChatGpt, the intelligent chatbot that anyone can use and query and which has already totaled 100 million users in just two months of launch. This is why the EU commissioner for the internal market Thierry Breton says new AI rules will aim to address concerns about ChatGpt risks and to ensure that European citizens can trust artificial intelligence.

Paid version

The chatbot, free but of which there is, for now only in the US, also a paid version at 20 dollars a month, software capable of generating articles, essays, jokes and even poems on request, has become the application for consumers it has seen the fastest growth in history. According to Breton, the risks posed by ChatGpt underline the urgent need to develop standards on artificial intelligence. The EU commissioner had already proposed this instance last year in an attempt to establish a global standard for AI, a technology led by China and the United States and which is now used everywhere: from smartphones to self-driving cars and even in production processes.

“As demonstrated by ChatGpt – said Breton – AI solutions can offer great opportunities for businesses and citizens, but they can also involve risks. For this reason we need a robust regulatory framework to ensure reliable AI based on high quality data”. While waiting for the miracle, given that it is difficult to regulate a constantly evolving software which, moreover, learns from the experiences of increasingly numerous registered users, Open Ai has received a 10 billion euro liquidity injection from Microsoft which wants to insert artificial intelligence in its business and consumer products.

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Altman’s version

As for the future in a very recent interview with Forbes the CEO, founder and inventor of Open Ai, Sam Altman, young, handsome and very intelligent, has declared that he is not interested to transform his creature ChatGpt, into a search engine like Google but wanting to go “much further”. “The thing I’m excited about for these templates – Altman said – is not how it replaces the experience of going to the web and typing in a search query but how to do it differently and much cooler.’” ChatGpt is currently already able to help debug complex code. It also functions as a super-intelligent search engine, crafting the best answer for questions posed by processing the large volumes of data collected from the Internet.

ChatGpt instead of Google?

Can ChatGpt therefore replace Google? By making large investments in data servers, the answer is yes but true success can only happen, and Sam Altman knows it well, if you manage to do something different and more innovative. Also because Google, which already uses artificial intelligence extensively in search, has declared that it is ready to launch its own AI chatbot in the coming weeks.

In the interview with ForbesHowever, Altman also raised concerns about some of the more dangerous aspects inherent in the extensive and allowed use of artificial intelligence tools for all. “I watch with great concern the revenge porn generation that is happening with open source image generators that rely on Ai,” Altman said. huge”.

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