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SPORT FOR EVERYONE – Plan for social sport

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SPORT FOR EVERYONE – Plan for social sport

The interventions aimed at disadvantaged areas, vulnerable categories, activities in prison, social support and activities in parks are underway.

Sport e salute SpA, on the initiative of the Minister for Sport and Youth and through the Department for Sport, has prepared an integrated plan of social support measures thanks to which, through the basic sports association network and the Third Sports sector, intends to support the social action of sport. The intervention is worth a total of 15.7 million euros.

SPORTS FOR EVERYONE it is a model of sporting and social intervention, which aims to break down all barriers to accessing sport and concretely declines the principle of the right to sport, for individuals and in communities. The objective is to promote, through physical activity, sports practice and healthy lifestyles, an improvement in the health conditions and psycho-physical well-being of individuals and to promote the social cohesion of communities.

From today, to the following link, it is possible to consult the public notices intended for the ASD/SSD, the Third Sector bodies in the sports field and the Municipalities.


The Project aims to support Amateur Sports Associations and Societies and Third Sector Entities in the sports sector that operate in difficult territorial contexts, in collaboration with other subjects operating in the area, using sport and its educational values ​​as a tool for development and social inclusion. The Project intends to foster the educational alliance between the sports system and the Third Sector system thanks to principals at the service of the reference communities. The initiative is part of a complex social scenario in terms of lack of access to education, recreational, cultural and sporting spaces, especially by minors.

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The Project aims to support the ASD/SSD Amateur Sports Associations and Societies and the Third Sector bodies in the sports field that carry out social activities in the area through projects that use sport as an educational tool and for the prevention of social and psychophysical discomfort , development and social inclusion, recovery and socialisation, integration of groups at risk of marginalization and minorities, guaranteeing access to sport for all.


The Project promotes sport as a tool and opportunity for re-education for prisoners, through the enhancement of sporting activity in prisons for adults and juveniles, in collaboration with the Department of Penitentiary Administration and the Department of Juvenile and Community Justice. The Project envisages the creation of physical/sports activities and training for prisoners and training for sports operators and prison administration personnel.


The project, born from the collaboration between Sport and Health and the National Association of Italian Municipalities – ANCI, has the objective of creating new equipped sports areas within public municipal parks or beaches, through the provision of fixed structures for carrying out sports activities outdoors freely. The Municipalities interested in the Project, in addition to co-financing each realization with a contribution equal to 50%, will have to provide for the adoption of the equipped areas, for a minimum of two years, by Associations or Amateur Sports Societies operating in the area that ensure the maintenance of the related areas and equipment.

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