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Core Piggy Bank: Opinions and Interests, Is It Worth It?

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Core Piggy Bank: Opinions and Interests, Is It Worth It?

If you are looking for detailed information about Core Piggy bankil deposit account proposed by Euclidean you are in the right place.

Today we will try to analyze the deposit account together, to see what yours are characteristicsits advantages and disadvantages, obviously without neglecting the costs they interesti, which will surely be the most important things you will want to know.

In this guide I want to provide you with the information you need to be able to evaluate an investment in this sense, and at the end of the article I will also provide you with my opinions on the matter.

Let’s start!

This article talks about:

Two words about Euclidean

Euclidean is an asset management company authorized by the Consob.

It operates in the field of wealthtechaccording to the MiFID2 directive.

Furthermore, it is a company free from commercial constraints, different from the average of other similar national companies, precisely because it does not manage its own investment instruments.

With Euclidean you can choose between a investment portfolio tailored designed for you, and suited to your goals, or you can opt for a check-up gratuito of your portfolio, receiving an analysis of the costs and performance of the same.

Core Piggy bank: is it safe?

We understood, without more doubts, that Euclidean it is a safe and reliable company, but can we say the same about the product you are interested in?

Core Piggy Bank invest in monetary funds which have as underlying securities issued by over 100 different issuers with investment grade credit rating, therefore the risk of the possible bankruptcy of an issuer would have a very limited impact on the investment.

In addition, the liquidity and assets in which it is invested are deposited with the ALLFUNDS BANK and SGSS Spa custodians.

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In terms of safety so you shouldn’t harbor any doubts.

Money deposited in a banking institution is guaranteed by the Interbank Fund up to 100,000 euros.

Features of Core Piggy Bank

Now let’s see in detail what they are main features of this tool.

Core Piggy Bank it allows the investor to capture the returns offered by the short-term market, and also allows to benefit from any future rises in interest rates, trying to control and minimize price fluctuations.

It allows you to build your own step by step patrimonytrying to protect your initial capital and diversifying on the stock markets and bond markets, through a recurring activity and regulated by free line changes to other Euclidean cores.

The difference with a bank deposit account

Technically Core Piggy Bank isn’t really a deposit account.

It is quite one wealth management which allows you to use the money when you prefer, still obtaining the return accrued up to that moment, without constraints and without having to pay penalties.

The bank deposit account, on the other hand, provides for the constraint of the sum of money on which you will obtain the return, and if you decide to withdraw in advance you are forced to release the money.

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How does Core Piggy Bank work?

Core Piggy Bank it is asset management, which selects monetary funds capable of capturing the returns offered by the money market and which allows you to benefit from rising interest rates, without having to suffer price fluctuations.

The choice of investment line takes place together with a consultant who will help you, after completing your MiFID profile. You can then move your assets or part of them towards a more aggressive line if you wish, always accompanied by customer care, and only after having ascertained that your profile is consistent with the level of risk you want to choose.

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Interest rates

Let’s now deal with the most important part and that certainly interests you the most, namely the one related to returns and interest rates.

Inaccurate handling comes to a target return ranging from 1.5% to a maximum of 2% gross yield.

Some underlying securities are more sensitive to daily movements in interest rates, and above all this allows you to invest in large amounts with limited issuer risk.


Unlike the bank deposit account, as we said before, Core Salvadanaio does not have penalties, therefore you can use the availability when you want, also obtaining the yield accrued up to that moment. The product is therefore free from hidden costs.

The costs refer to asset management and I invite you to consult the site to evaluate case by case or make an appointment with an advisor.

Here I summarize them:

  • Smart management plan: 0.60% with a minimum investment of 5,000 euros;
  • Wealth Management Plan: 1.20% destined to fall as AUM increases.

How to open Core Piggy Bank

To open Core Salvadanaio you can operate in two different ways: go to the official site di Euclidea and register using your e-mail address and creating a new password for the service, then subsequently entering all your personal data, or speak to a advisor making a telephone appointment at the time most convenient for you, leaving your name, surname and email with which you will then be contacted to obtain details on the telephone appointment.

Piggy Bank Core: My Business Opinions

We have finished our analysis of the investment service offered by Euclidean.

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Now you have all the necessary information and all the tools at your disposal to be able to better evaluate whether it is a convenient investment for you or not.

I can’t tell you yes or no for sure, because in this case, as often happens, the answer is it depends!

I don’t know your financial situation and therefore I cannot venture to give you specific advice; but I can offer you my thoughts and mine opinions.

It is an investment in money market fundsā€maskedā€ from a deposit account, so much so that at the end of the accounts the return is very close to that of deposit accounts.

The only advantage that is reiterated many times refers to the fact that in this case if you are interested in untie you can make your money without having to pay penalties, as could happen instead with classic bank deposit accounts.

If you want some superior interests you will necessarily have to risk more, precisely because as we know, greater risks correspond to greater returns.

I think you have at this point all the information you need to make a weighted and sensible assessment.

I also invite you to consult the other offers relating to savings accounts that we have reviewed here on the blog.

Before leaving you, I would also like to leave you some guides that I believe can be very useful for you, especially if you are looking for an investment path:

I greet you, see you soon here on Affari Miei!

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