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High blood sugar: what are the symptoms and what to eat

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High blood sugar: what are the symptoms and what to eat

The high blood sugar occurs when blood glucose values ​​rise significantly from the standard ones. L’hyperglycemia is the characteristic element of the diabetes mellitus: in this case thehyperglycemia must be adequately treated, because, if normal values ​​are not restored, the patient may develop chronic complications of the cardiovascular, nervous, kidney and eye systems. Furthermore, if blood sugar reaches very high levels, acute complications such as diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndromewhich can have serious consequences.

We talk about it with the doctor Marco MiraniSection Head of Diabetes at Humanitas.

High blood sugar: what is it?

I blood glucose levels they are measured 8 hours after the last meal and go give 70 you have 100 mg/dl: if these values ​​increase, the patient has developed hyperglycemia. When the glucose reading settles down tra i 101 e i 125 mg/dl the patient falls into the category of prediabetes (a risk condition that requires follow-up over time)while if it exceeds for two measurements i 126 mg/dl then the patient developed a diabetes real.

The cause of high blood sugar is due in most cases to the classic forms of diabetes mellitus: the type 1 diabetes in which there is lack of insulin production by the pancreas and the type 2 diabetes which is instead characterized by a reduced ability of the cells to use insulin, as well as other multiple mechanisms that have been identified in recent years and which have allowed the development of new and effective drugs. Diabetic patients must therefore follow the therapies indicated by the doctor or specialist based on the characteristics of their disease in order to maintain adequate blood sugar levelsremembering that they can still be subject to a rise in blood sugar in case of strong stresspresence of other pathologies, dehydrationlack of physical activity, or if they deviate from the food plan agreed with the doctor or from the prescribed therapy.

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They can develop high blood sugar too non-diabetic people but subject to conditions or pathologies involving risk factors. Among these, for example, are:

  • infections or inflammations
  • hyperthyroidism o to pancreatitis
  • physical stress resulting from a heart attack o one stroke
  • treatments with certain drugs, including i corticosteroids they tricyclic antidepressants.

High blood sugar: what are the symptoms

I symptoms ofhyperglycemia include a variety of events including:

• generic tiredness

• heachache

• weight loss not justified by other causes

• polydipsia (continuous urge to drink)

• dry mouth

• polyuria (increased need to urinate especially at night)

• blurred vision

• ongoing infections.

High blood sugar: what to eat

High blood sugar is favored by one unbalanced dietwith excessive consumption of sugars, saturated and trans fatse refined carbohydrates. Patients with diabetes, therefore, in addition to following the indicated therapies, should also pay attention to their diet. It should therefore be favored Mediterranean dietrich in fibre contained in verdurewhich always increase when possible, while between the fruit it is appropriate to limit the one with higher amounts of sugars, such as grapes, bananas, figs or dried fruit. THE cheeses they should be consumed in moderation no more than 2-3 times a week, favoring fresh ones such as ricotta, fiordilatte, primosale and avoiding the fattest ones (e.g. mascarpone, gorgonzola) and aged ones. Allow yourself skimmed yogurt e skimmed milk.

Even the consumption of meat should be limited, in particular red meat, if desired it can be consumed in moderation i lean cuts and white meatsbut in general it is better to include other sources of water in your diet proteincome i legumes and the pesce. What about carbohydrates? As we have said, the refined ones should be avoided and replaced by Whole grains (to be consumed in any case with limitation). Foods should be seasoned raw with extra virgin olive oil and salt are preferable spices not herbs. The portionsmoreover, they must be contained: regulating the amount of calories ingested is useful to avoid blood sugar spikes. Finally, it is advisable to stop drinking alcohol.

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How to lower high blood sugar

It is important to reiterate that those with diabetes must follow the advice and therapies proposed by the diabetes specialists of reference, but there are a series of daily precautions that can help contain risk factors and decrease blood sugar levels. Among the main causes of diabetes are obesity and overweightoften due to an incorrect lifestyle, in which it is not practiced physical activity. Regular sporting activity, on the other hand, helps to contain weight and favors the use of sugar by the body, which transforms it into energy. Those who are unable to insert adequate time for training into their daily organization can divide physical activity into several moments during the day, of shorter duration but which, over the course of the week, allow for the achievement of the set objectives.

One of the consequences of hyperglycemia is the dehydration: drink a lot of water helps to keep hydrated and to eliminate excess glucose in the urine. So too stress promotes high blood sugar, due to the majority hormone secretion which increase blood glucose levels. Incorporating relaxation and mindfulness exercises, yoga, and meditation into your daily routine, especially in the most tiring periods, can bring benefits to your mood and decrease your stress level.

Finally also have a regular night rest helps the body stay healthy: lack of rest and an irregular sleep-wake rhythm promote hyperglycemia, just like stress. Avoiding caffeine and chocolate in the hours preceding sleep, not exposing yourself to screens such as those of television, computers or smartphones and creating a routine that introduces the body to rest can be simple tricks to sleep better.
Finally, for diabetic patients where it is indicated, it is important monitor blood sugar through the use of the appropriate meters reported by specialists. In this way the patient will be able to intervene promptly as soon as there are changes in blood sugar levels.

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