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ADUC – Health – Article

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ADUC – Health – Article
Il Relationship on Senior and Dentistry written by Senior Italy FederAnziani points out that:
– only one in 5 elderly people can afford a fixed dental prosthesis;
– 82% turn to a private practice, while less than one out of ten goes for treatment in a public facility;
– about 19 billion euros are spent a year on dental care, a figure that impacts almost exclusively on users’ pockets, since 95% of treatments are not covered by the national health system.

A cross-section that confirms what everyone already knows: that you only go to the dentist if you have the money, only in extreme cases and that there is in fact no possibility of a service from the public health.

Every now and then we read that some Local Health Authority or region tries to put itself in the crown with some opening of services of excellence … but beyond minimum services, which are not more minimal and difficult to contact, the situation is the one outlined by this report.

Is there anyone in the government who wants to take charge of this tragedy that affects the health of the elderly and beyond? At the moment, apart from the usual scuffles and some media scoop denouncing queues and services provided with a dropper for everything concerning the public service (dropper that disappears when you decide to access the same structures for a fee, “intramoenia”), there is no perceives nothing.

It should be noted that the dental service is the tip of an iceberg which also involves the “famous” regions that boast efficient services (Tuscany, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, for example).

See also  “High risk of infectious diseases” – Il Tempo

the association does not receives and is against public funding (also 5 per thousand)
Its economic strength are inscriptions and contributions donated by those who deem it useful


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