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ADUC – Health – Article

by admin
ADUC – Health – Article
The government’s amendment to the transparency decree on fuel prices is embarrassing. The fines for those who do not respect the law range from 200 to 2000 compared to the previous 500/6000. It is clear that it is an outstretched hand to retailers who, as a result, will be more than tempted not to comply with the rules, given that the penalties will be less onerous than the extra profits obtained from non-compliance with them.
The government is going around the matter to find a solution that is acceptable to the corporation (which gives electoral support to the government) and, after the joke of Minister Urso’s proposal 200/800), has decided to stabilize in this way.

But the problem is not so much the sanctions, more embarrassing is the absence of a policy on the subject that considers the reduction of the 70% tax burden on fuel.

Perhaps there is a strategy: to distract attention from the fiscal problem by concentrating it on fines for “bad” petrol stations. The fines have been scaled down so that the gas station attendants will not become all the worse… attention has been dispelled from the central problem, taxation.

Of course, intelligence is needed for strategies, but after what happened on the 41bis (everyone is focused on the anarchist whose sentence has to be eased rather than on the terrifying reality of the liberticidal law), it may be that the government is capable of this too.

Or he is totally incapable and is relying on chance, chasing this or that electoral consensus.

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Palace games, sure. But games for which freedom and the consumer economy are exploited. Looking at the end, between strategies and incapacity, of this hodgepodge we see only the consumer who has his wallet increasingly attacked.

the association does not receives and is against public funding (also 5 per thousand)
Its economic strength are inscriptions and contributions donated by those who deem it useful


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