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Saved at the age of 62 with three operations in a single session – Healthcare

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Saved at the age of 62 with three operations in a single session – Healthcare

A very special operation was performed at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome: in the same session in the operating room a coronary bypass was in fact performed, a kidney tumor was removed and a huge thrombus in the inferior vena cava was removed to save the life of Marco (not his real name), a 62-year-old Roman who was discharged a few days ago and is doing well.
A multidisciplinary team of specialists has taken the field to solve this case of rare complexity. In fact, three teams entered the operating room, including urologists, heart surgeons and liver surgeons, together with anesthesiologists, extracorporeal circulation technicians, instrument operators and operating room nurses.
A team of professionals committed for 10 hours. “It all starts in the Gemelli Emergency Room – recalls Marco Racioppi, interim director of the UOC Urological Clinic – where Marco goes because he had seen the urine red with blood, but without any symptoms that could suggest bad cystitis. The doctors ask immediately a renal ultrasound, which shows the presence of a 7 cm mass in the right kidney. A renal tumor is therefore suspected”.

Tests begin to be requested in anticipation of nephrectomy. “The CT scan with contrast medium – continues Racioppi – reveals that the tumor has unfortunately invaded the pelvis of the kidney and the renal vein, where an enormous thrombus has formed which ascends throughout the inferior vena cava. In some places the thrombus, which is about 15 centimeters long, has a diameter of 6 and extends to the heart, where it ‘peeps’ at the mouth of the inferior vena cava, occupying part of the right atrium”. The case is then discussed in a Heart Team session and it is decided to resolve all the problems in a single operating session.

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