Home » Great Photographers.Andrzej Dragan. – The world of SLRs

Great Photographers.Andrzej Dragan. – The world of SLRs

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Great Photographers.Andrzej Dragan.  – The world of SLRs

Andrew Dragan is a Polish photographer known for his work on fine art photography and his ability to represent emotions and moods through his images.

Dragan started photography in his teens and continued to develop his skill and passion for photography. He studied at the prestigious Krzysztof Competitions photography school and then started working as a freelance photographer. He is also the one who invented the Dragan effect.

His work has been featured in many photography magazines, and he has also exhibited his work in numerous exhibitions around the world. His photography is notable for its ability to capture the beauty and complexity of humanity, representing subjects ranging from refugees to musicians.

Dragan has a unique style that combines traditional photographic technique with an artistic vision and feel for composition. His photography is often described as intense, emotional and evocative, and has a significant impact on viewers.

Throughout his career, Dragan has won many awards for his photography and has continued to inspire other photographers with his work. His biography is an example of dedication and talent in photography and of how images can express deep and universally understandable emotions.

In the past, Andrzej was a winner of numerous national and international music composition competitions.
Involved in photography since 2003. He has had his work published in magazines and books in 12 countries, including Luzer’s “200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide” (2006).

Awarded at KTR advertising festival with gold and silver medals (2006), two silvers and one bronze (2007), two golds two silver and two bronzes (2008). Nominated for the Cannes Lion at the Cannes Film Festival (2006).

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Corbis Photography Awards Silver Medal (2007), Golden Drum Festival Gold Medal (2007), Epica Awards Bronze Medal (2007). Third prize at the Pilsner Uruquell Contest (2007).

Photographer of the Year 2007 (Digital Camera Magazine, UK), Silver Medal at the International Photography Masters Cup in London (2010).

He has worked with the agencies Aria (Florence), Brain, DDB, Euro RSCG, Gray, JWT, McCann-Erickson, Ogilvy (Dubai), Ogilvy (Frankfurt), Outfit (London), Publicis (Brazil), Scholz & Friends and TBWA (London) for brands such as Amnesty International, Arkadia, Axura, Channel 4, Converse, Energizer, PETA, Playstation, Police, Polpharma, Radio Eska and Xbox.

In 2014 Andrzej founded a film production studio Weird. The preview production received the Golden Sword award for best personal work at the KTR ad festival (2014) and Best in Show and Best CGI awards from Creative Review (2014). Andrzej Dragan

Weird recently produced a music video for Behemoth (2015).

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