Home » Zelensky is an envious manipulator: revenge on Meloni and Italy for Sanremo

Zelensky is an envious manipulator: revenge on Meloni and Italy for Sanremo

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Zelensky is an envious manipulator: revenge on Meloni and Italy for Sanremo

Zelensky envious manipulator: the one about Meloni and Italy is revenge for Sanremo

We need to pay attention to Volodymyr Zelensky and we need to say it without worrying about being accused of being pro-Russian for this. Zelensky is not the good person that a skilful media action has built up in recent months. To understand this, you need to rewind the tape and start from the beginning. The president of Ukraine was born into a Jewish family in which Russian is spoken because she is originally from that country. Meaning what Zelensky is a Russian not a Ukrainian! The leader tries to hide this fact in every way, for example on Wikipedia where an information war is underway in which the Ukrainians continuously delete this information which punctually reappears.

He graduated in law but will never practice the profession of lawyer because since 1997 he is an actor and screenwriter more than anything “playwright” and began his career as a comedian. His luck arrives in 2015 when he plays the role of an “honest” head of state in the television series “Servant of the People”. He immediately achieved great success and so in 2018 he founded a real party created by Kvartal 95 which is the group that produces his series.

In 2019 he announced his candidacy and on 21 April 2019 he became the president of Ukraine for real. His first act is as a true dictator, but this too is never talked about. In fact, as soon as he was elected, he dissolved Parliament because it did not have a majority in favor of him and called new elections with the support of the Ukrainian Constitutional Court. Something never seen in the West. His election and electoral campaign is supported by wealthy oligarchs and with trouble with justice and he himself is about to end up on trial for corruption but his providential victory prevents him from doing so. The rest is known. Another thing that we never talk about concerns the past in which there were two pro-Ukrainian “coups”. against the pro-Russian legal winners, but saying it has the same effect as those who speak ill of Matteo Messina Denaro in Castelvetrano, let’s say it is not “healthy”.

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Let’s go back to the present.

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