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parties, seats and names of elected officials

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parties, seats and names of elected officials

24 hours from closing of the polls from the Lazio regional elections, the delay in the counting of preferences which concerns more than half of the candidates voted is notable. The numbers are still provisional: 5299 sections out of 5306, with some sections missing a Colleferro (Rm), Torrice (Ff), Cervaro (Ff), Piglio (Ff) And Fabrica di Roma (Vt), the documents of which have been sent to the Central Office for the completion of the operations. Furthermore, it will be necessary to consider any renunciations that could trigger, in the next few days, the relative replacements that could modify the list of names.

Meanwhile it is certain that gods 51 seats assigned for the regional council of Lazio, 31 go to the center-right coalition led by new president Francesco Rocca, 15 to the centre-left alignment headed by Alessio D’Amato e 5 to the coalition of Donatella Bianchi (M5S plus ecological list). The seats are distributed as follows: 22 to Brothers of Italy, 3 to Lega, 3 to Forza Italia, 1 to Francesco Rocca civic list, 1 to Unione di Centro, and no one to Us Moderates – Renaissance Sgarbi. For the Pd there are 10 seats, for Action – Italia Viva 2, while 1 goes to the D’Amato civic list and 1 to the Greens. Demos, +Europe and the Socialist Party remain outside the representation. To the Movimento 5 Stelle will receive 4 seats and 1 seat for the progressive leftist & ecological Pole.

Francesco Rocca was the most voted with 934,614 preferences and his center-right deployment has collected the 53.88% of the vote. 19 out of 30 seats arrive from Rome. In first place among the parties that supported him there is Brothers of Italy with 519,633 preferences (33.62%)then there’s the League with 131,631 preferences (8.52%) third party of the coalition it is Forza Italia which collected 130,368 preferences (8.43). The civic list Rocca president has taken 31,437 preferences (2.03%). Always in support of Rocca, the Union of the center has collected 24,983 preferences (1.62%). Finally for the center right We moderates – renaissance Sgarbi brought 17,398 (1.13%) but has no council seats.

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For the centre-left line-up, second in preference to the candidate Alessio D’Amato who took 581,033 (33.50%)11 out of 14 seats come from Rome. The Democratic Party has 313,023 preferences (20.25%) will have 10 seats, the party of Action Italia Viva (Calenda and Renzi) has collected 75,272 preferences (4.87%) will have 2 seatsthe D’Amato civic list president with 47,184 votes (3.05%) will have 1 seat. No seats for Demos.

The deployment of Donatella Bianchi with 186,562 preferences (10.76%) will have 5 seats, of which 4 to the Movimento 5 Stelle with 132,041 votes (8.54%) and 1 to the civic list Pole of the ecological left with 18,727 preferences (1.21%).

Among the elect which are not definitive at 2.30 pm on 14 Februaryper Brothers of Italy, first party in Lazio that overall it will have 22 seatsthe thickest part, 13 seats regard Rome and province where there are Giancarlo Righini, Micol Grasselli, Massimiliano Maselli, Marco Bertucci, Fabrizio Ghera, Emanuela Mari, Edy Palazzi, Antonello Aurigemma, Roberta Angelilli, Laura Corrotti, Marka Rotondi, Flavio Cera and Maria Chiara Iannarelli. For the other 4 provinces: a Frosinone i 2 seats will be assigned to Maura Daniele and Alessia Savo, a Latina i 3 ffi go to Enrico Tiero, Elena Palazzo, Vittorio Sambucci , a Viterbo for the 2 seats there are Daniele Sabatini and Valentina Paterna ea Rieti for the 2 seats the only two candidates pass, Michele Pasquale Nicolai and Eleonora Berni.

For the coalition of center left where at Pd they go 10 seats + 1 assigned to Alessio D’Amatowith regard to Rome for the 7 seats Daniele Leodori, Eleonora Mattia, Emanuela Droghei, Michela Califano, Mauro Alessandri, Mario Ciarla and Rodolfo Lena should pass. At the moment Massimiliano Valeriani, former councilor for waste and heritage and some well-known names such as Minnucci Emiliano, Cristiana Avenali and Erica Battaglia are excluded. TO Latin 1 seat goes to Salvatore La Penna. TO Frosinone 1 seat Sara Battisti goes, therefore the companion of the former head of the cabinet of the Campidoglio, Albino Ruberti is elected. TO Viterbo 1 seat goes to Enrico Panunzi, no representation from Rieti. For Action – Italia Viva (the Calenda and Renzi alliance) win 2 seats and they go to Rome with Marietti Tidei and Luca Andreassi. For the list civic D’Amato president there is 1 seat and goes to Rome to Marta Bonafoni. By Green list and left 1 seat goes to Rome for Alessio Pascucc. Demos, +Europe and the Socialist Party are excluded from representation.

Regarding the coalition led by Donatella Bianchi, I am 5 seats assigned, 4 of which to the 5 Star Movement e 1 to the ecological civic list. They all concern Rome and for the M5S they are for Donatella Bianchi (who however has not yet dissolved the reserve for the position of councilor), Vincenzo D’Antò, Adriano Zuccalà, Valerio Novelli and Carlo Caldironi. Alessandra Zeppieri has 1 seat on the Polo left ecological list.

Francesco Rocca took, in terms of absolute votes, fewer votes than Nicola Zingaretti in 2018but in percentage terms its success was much clearer: it is close to 54% against 32.9 of the former centre-left governor. In fact, Rocca is elected president – when only 7 sections are missing out of over 5300 – with over 943 thousand votes; Zingaretti took 1,018,736. It is the effect of the turnout, which in the 2018 full 66,5% while between 12 and 13 February it stood at 37,2%.

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February 14, 2023

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