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In which cases is it better not to eat kiwis? The shocking answer

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In which cases is it better not to eat kiwis?  The shocking answer

Kiwis are the fruit of a climbing plant, Actinidia deliciosa, native to China. However, it is in New Zealand that the fruit, widely cultivated, is given the name we all know, stimulated by the resemblance to the nation’s image bird. The kiwi is actually brownish, with bristly feathers on an oval body and wings short enough to appear non-existent.

The world‘s leading producer of kiwifruit is China, followed by Italy and New Zealand. Different areas of our peninsula, mainly the northern and central regions, have returned to being perfect for the cultivation of this exotic fruit. The kiwi has a fruit with an increased percentage of water and a relatively low sugar content. Fats are irrelevant, proteins represent about 1% of the total. It is a good source of fiber. Ideal is especially the contribution of vitamin C, quite useful, as is known, to the immune system. In this field, kiwis and oranges play a very important role, being in season during the coldest periods of the year.

Kiwis have about 60 calories per 100 grams, which corresponds to the weight of an average fruit. Although it is quite full of simple sugars, it remains ideal in low-calorie regimes, as long as it is eaten without excesses. Kiwis have identified purifying, supportive intestinal regularity and diuretic properties. For this reason, it is not uncommon to find kiwis among the protagonists of detox diets. From kiwi seeds an oil is obtained which is a source of Omega 3 and is also used in cosmetics.

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In which cases is it better not to eat kiwis? The shocking answer

Kiwis are usually well supported and do not have major contraindications, but several people can be allergic to them or they can cause mouth tightening and stomach pain. Furthermore, among allergies with less severe symptoms, kiwifruit is almost always characterized by diarrhea, stomach pain, slight swelling and itching or stinging in the mouth. Then in rare cases it can lead to anaphylactic shock which is a reaction more generally present in children than in adults.

Finally, being full of fibres, the kiwi is used as a natural remedy against constipation, but subjects more sensitive to the natural laxative effects of this fruit can reveal diarrhea, especially after a disproportionate consumption.

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