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Contact dermatitis: causes, symptoms and remedies

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Contact dermatitis: causes, symptoms and remedies
Contact dermatitis is inflammation of the skin. What are the causes, symptoms, and remedies ? First of all, as the name itself already suggests, this dermatitis is triggered by contact with certain substances. Often these are metals, such as nickel in particular, but not only, in fact, the reaction can be triggered by substances of different types, even products that we commonly use such as cosmetics, detergents and even some types of fabric, or dye for hair, creams, perfumes, and even cell phones (because of the nickel). For this reason it is always difficult to establish with certainty, without in-depth examinations, simply by observing the course of the dermatitiswhat are the causes. The diagnosis is made by the dermatologistwho will advise accordingly the right care and which products to avoid at least for a certain period.


Let’s start by saying that two types of contact dermatitis can be distinguished: DIC (irritant contact dermatitis) and DAC (allergic contact dermatitis) in both cases the disorder manifests itself with an inflammatory process and symptoms such as itching and severe burning in the part in question (mostly arms, hands or face), as is also the case for atopic dermatitis. Small blisters or peeling skin may even appear. In any case it is good to remember that neither irritant contact dermatitis nor allergic dermatitis is contagious. In the case of irritant dermatitis it is essential to observe the point where the reaction is, it will be easier to understand what the triggering cause may be and the necessary treatment. A neck rash may have been caused by a necklace; on the face by creams or makeup. For allergic dermatitis it will be more difficult to interpret and understand what the triggering factors may be, in fact the rash occurs on the contact area but can extend to other parts of the body.

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Predisposing factors

Contact dermatitis manifests itself in particular if certain predisposing factors are present. They can be variable. Obviously everything always depends on the subject and the delicacy and condition of his skin. One of the main influencing factors is the work activity, in fact those who are exposed to small skin traumas for work are more at risk. Furthermore, atopic dermatitis or eczema, for example, can also facilitate the risk of contact dermatitis.

DAC Allergic contact dermatitis

The allergic contact dermatitis is caused by contact with an allergen. The inflammatory reaction occurs because the person is allergic to a certain substance. The inflammation usually occurs at the point of contact, but can also spread to other parts of the body.

To have one more accurate diagnosis of allergic dermatitis a test called Patch Test or epicutaneous test is recommended, which requires the application (for 48-72 hours) of a patch and the substance that may have caused the allergic reaction. Based on the visible result, i.e. the skin manifestations, it will be possible to understand if there has been a reaction capable of confirming the suspicion of allergy to a certain substance. Most often the causes of allergic contact dermatitis are:

  • heavy metals such as nickel or chromium
  • perfume ingredients
  • cosmetics
  • preservatives

DIC Irritant contact dermatitis

Another type of contact dermatitis is DIC, that is irritant contact dermatitis. In this case the subject’s immune system is not involved, but the disturbance is connected to the sensitivity of the individual’s skin. The most sensitive skins can, in fact, have particular reactions to contact with certain products. For example, in children, we often experience irritant contact dermatitis with diaper use. For adults, this type of inflammation often occurs with contact with aggressive cleaning products. In fact, it often develops in the workplace for professional categories such as hairdressers, beauticians, bartenders and all those who are forced to spend a lot of time with wet hands and in contact with various substances that may be poorly tolerated by the skin.
Unlike DAC, in the case of irritant contact dermatitis there is no itching among the symptoms, but red, dry skin, and the presence of possible blisters and cracks also occur in this case. Irritant contact dermatitis can be both acute and chronic, the acute form occurs in single episodic cases, the chronic one is more complicated to treat. In the presence of irritative dermatitis it is essential to choose soaps and all types of detergents well, excluding aggressive ones and choosing the less foaming ones.

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Allergenic and irritant substances

In case of contact dermatitis it is therefore advisable to pay close attention to the cosmetic and makeup products to buy, always choosing those which indicate the absence of allergens and parabens. It is advisable to buy the products in pharmacies or organic shops and choose fragrance-free creams and detergents.
In addition, many chemicals can cause this allergy: dyes, resins, pesticides and formaldehyde. In some cases you are forced to use certain materials and allergenic substances for work, such as potassium dichromate in construction. Even some medications such as antibiotics, antihistamines and antiseptics can cause allergies. Furthermore, contact dermatitis can also be caused by clothing (i.e. zippers, buckles and metal parts in contact with the skin) and even by some plants and pollen.

Treatment and healing times

Treatment for contact dermatitis it is very similar in both cases, i.e. for both irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. First it will be It is necessary to avoid contact with the substance or allergen that caused the rash. After a maximum of three weeks, avoiding contact with what caused the disturbance, the irritation will disappear completely. There duration of dermatitishowever, it may vary based on several factors. You don’t need to follow a particular diet nor are there any recommended foods in case of contact dermatitis.

The main remedies

It could also be useful, on the advice of your doctor, take antihistamines or cortisone to be applied on the affected area and a cream prescribed by the dermatologist. In case of infection, an antibiotic will also be prescribed. In most cases it will be enough to avoid contact with what caused the dermatitis, even if this is not always easy as they are often substances connected to one’s work activity. In this case, with the help of the dermatologist, it will be necessary to find different solutions to avoid contact (for example the use of gloves or the choice of different substances and products) and do prevention.
Usually, for acute forms, the doctor recommends the local use of corticosteroids; antihistamines, on the other hand, are mostly used in case of severe itching.

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Natural cures

For those who, on the other hand, are more oriented towards homeopathy, there are also natural cures for the treatment of dermatitis in milder cases: aloe vera is a good alternative to medicines to calm itching and calendula cream to soothe the irritated part, but in any case it is always good to ask your doctor for advice before applying any product, even those natural.

Contact dermatitis in pregnancy

There are so many women who suffer from allergies, but what are they? the risks for those suffering from contact dermatitis during pregnancy? Unfortunately, dermatitis, like other types of allergies, can worsen during pregnancy. In particular, the itching may be greater.

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