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They started building a wall without permission

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They started building a wall without permission
Liliana Cardona Marín

This time, the El Diario complaint center received a video in which a citizen shows how in the part of the La Víbora ravine, which crosses the area surrounding the Campestre B and Limonar neighborhoods, before meeting the Dosquebradas ravine, In an illegal settlement, dump trucks and other vehicles unload waste material or what is popularly known as rubble.

The complainant is of the opinion that these repetitive actions will end up generating damming of the ravine and a danger to the large population that lives in the aforementioned neighborhoods and that for this reason it was urgent that the press make the issue visible, so that the authorities in charge could find a solution.

Actions from the Carder

Very early yesterday, the corresponding call was made to Carder’s communications area, so that from there the corresponding bridge could be established with the official who handles these types of complaints. 10 minutes later the call came in with the response that the entity can deliver up to now.

“We have been to that property several times, there is even a recycler there and they are in an invasion condition for which the Corporation initiated an environmental sanction process against these people and the provision of material for the construction of a wall has been suspended. containment, because they are doing it technically wrong and additionally from the Mayor’s Office of Dosquebradas, a police process has already begun for the occupation of this land”.

More lumps of sand appear to be ready to be placed on the craft wall.

This month there will be a hearing in which the Carder and the inspector will be present to determine the actions to follow on this particular issue. Regarding the damages that this artisan intervention has generated, they also explained that “This is what will be concluded in the sanctioning process that we had mentioned, because other technical visits and assessments must be made as requested by the legal advisory office. However, the final resolution signed by the CEO will include the mitigation and prevention measures that must be taken”.

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If those who began to build this retaining wall had been duly advised, the Carder would have explained to them that they needed a channel occupation permit based on the analysis of a civil engineer.

site visit

In fact, when you get to this side of the ravine, you can see several piled up lumps of sand that have become dilapidated by a metal mesh that should support them. More fill material has been deposited on them, which often slips over the lumps after the purpose of making an embankment, but they are going to give the ravine.

During this visit, the newspaper discovered another situation that is equally or more worrisome than the first, and that is the color that the water brings from above the referenced point. On the way over the vehicular bridge the water had the ‘normal’ color, but on the way back and in a matter of minutes the liquid turned black, like printer ink, also odorless.

And what happened here?

Given the photographic evidence due to the color of the water, another call had to be made to Carder in the afternoon, to find out if they knew about this and if not, to inform them and to also take the pertinent actions against the offender. .

This is how the water from the stream looks on the way to the construction site of the wall.

At this point, the entity clarified that “A few days ago we learned of the concern that inhabitants of the Los Cerezos sector told us as ‘water with a dark blue color’, but that they had observed this over the Frailes ravine, which is the most close to them.”

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From the Carder they inform that there is something called the sanitary perimeter and it corresponds to the companies that provide the water and sewage service, which in this case would be Serviciudad or Aquaseo, as appropriate, because they must verify that the subscriber complies with the regulations, if it was that he had a problem with the sewage system, verify if the discharge is within the maximum allowable limits and notify Carder, according to the Sanitation and Discharge Management Plan (PSMV).

They also responded that Serviciudad has not reported this novelty, so they do not know if it occurs due to damage or a fissure in the sewage system.

What is a PSMV?

Each municipality must have a Sanitation and Discharge Management Plan, which is an environmental management instrument approved by the environmental authority, which contemplates the set of programs, projects, and activities, with their respective schedules and necessary investments to advance sanitation and treatment. discharges, including collection, transportation, treatment and final disposal.

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