Home » Changing sex at 16, Spain’s shocking breakthrough. At the same age right to abortion without parental consent

Changing sex at 16, Spain’s shocking breakthrough. At the same age right to abortion without parental consent

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Changing sex at 16, Spain’s shocking breakthrough.  At the same age right to abortion without parental consent

Il sex change at the registry office in Spain, minors aged 16 and over will also be allowed. Who is between 14 and 16 will be able to achieve it but with the authorization of the parents or legal guardians. Between 12 and 14 years, to have a different indication of one’s gender on the identity card, a judicial authorization will be necessary.

Spain approves the change of identity on documents from the age of 16

What is the “trans law”

Children – those under the age of 12 – are not included in the casuistry of gender change, but schools will have to guarantee a welcome “in accordance with their identity”. Attention, we are not talking about the actual medical treatment related to sex change, but about the sexual identity indicated in the documents. This law approved yesterday has divided the country, the Parliament and also the left majority that governs Spain (Socialists, Podemos and another series of parties).

Not only that: it has found conflicting voices, for example also among feminists (whose movements are very strong in Spain), as well as the no of the opposition, in particular the Popular Party, Vox and Ciudadanos. On the grill the minister of Equal Opportunities, Irene Montero (Unidas Podemos). Yesterday other measures were also approved with a significant value for the Spanish company. The new rules on abortion pass (which recover those approved in 2010 by Zapatero and then modified by Rajoy): even minors (16 and 17 years old) can voluntarily terminate their pregnancy without parental consent. And girls under the age of 16 will be able to go to a judge to ask for authorization. Another piece, very innovative and in this case less divisive: the law introduces the right of women to obtain leave for “incapacitating” menstruation.


It will be financed by the state, from day one, and not by the company. Finally, the measures against “surrogate motherhood” (another very divisive issue, even in the Lgbt community) have been accentuated: Spain, like many other countries, has for some time banned the use of this method to have a child, because it is considered a “violence against women”, but with the new law the advertising of brokerage companies that offer opportunities in foreign countries where this practice is not prohibited will also be prohibited.
All these reforms have all sparked discussion in Parliament, but the new rules of the «ley trans» are undoubtedly the ones that have sparked the most debate. Even members of the PSOE (socialists) voted no, but in the end the law was passed with a solid majority.

In fact, “gender self-determination” becomes a right without the need to present medical certificates. Minister Montero says: “We are taking a giant step so that there are many trans children who feel more understood in their schools, by their families”. As far as actual medical treatments are concerned, the ABC newspaper summarizes: “For genital modification surgical practices, the law prohibits those intended for children under the age of 12” except in cases where the medical indications require otherwise for the purpose to protect human health“. For those aged between 12 and 16, they will be allowed when the people in question request them based on their maturity”. “We are sincerely and honestly convinced that this law will be very harmful: it will not bring more rights, but rather more suffering, it will forever destroy the lives of many children and adolescents from many families” is the thesis of the Vox (right-wing party) MP Maria Ruiz. The PP and Ciudadanos have also harshly criticized this reform. María Jesús Moro of the Partido popular observes: «We are not here to experiment on people’s skin». And he points out that other countries such as Sweden, the United Kingdom and Finland are backtracking on this issue.

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Even in Italy, the Spanish law has caused worried reactions. “Despite some on the left awkwardly trying to deny it, gender ideology exists and is increasingly pervasive. This is demonstrated by what happened in Spain. From now on, in the Iberian country, a 16-year-old young man, who is rightly not considered mature even to buy a beer at the supermarket, will however be able to change his gender on the documents according to his personal perception» explains the deputy vice president of Fratelli d ‘Italy, Raffaele Speranzon. The new Spanish law requires the person to be reconvened after three months to confirm the choice. After six months he can ask to change the indication again, returning to the previous sex.

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