Home » EPP cancels summit in Naples after Berlusconi’s words on Zelensky: “Support for Kiev is not optional.” Tajani: «I do not agree»- breaking latest news

EPP cancels summit in Naples after Berlusconi’s words on Zelensky: “Support for Kiev is not optional.” Tajani: «I do not agree»- breaking latest news

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EPP cancels summit in Naples after Berlusconi’s words on Zelensky: “Support for Kiev is not optional.”  Tajani: «I do not agree»- breaking latest news

«Following Silvio Berlusconi’s remarks on Ukraine, we have decided to cancel our study days in Naples. Support for Ukraine is not optional.’ Thus the group leader of the European Populars Manfred Weber via Twitter. “Antonio Tajani and Forza Italia have our support and we are continuing to collaborate with the Italian government on EU issues,” adds Weber.

The meeting of the Popolari in Naples was scheduled for June and, according to sources inside the EPP, the participation of Berlusconi, the president of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the president of the Eurochamber Roberta Metsola was expected. After the former prime minister’s words on Ukraine, however, a large group of popular MEPs, mainly from Eastern Europe, let Weber know that they did not like the meeting with Berlusconi, the Ppe explained. Dai Popolari underlined, however, that the trust in Forza Italia and in Antonio Tajani remains intact.

«Berlusconi is Forza Italia. Forza Italia is Berlusconi. I do not agree with the decision to postpone the Naples meeting. Also because Berlusconi and FI have always voted like the EPP on Ukraine, as evidenced by the acts of the EPP». So the deputy prime minister and foreign minister Antonio Tajani. Even Fulvio Martusciello, FI’s head of delegation to the European Parliament: «Forza Italia has been a member of the EPP for 25 years and President Berlusconi has always embodied its history and values. In Italy he is the interpreter and guarantor of the Christian and European values ​​on which the European Union is founded. We find President Weber’s words unacceptable. Berlusconi has always been a man of peace, the only Western leader capable of bringing the United States and Russia to the table, putting an end to more than fifty years of the Cold War».

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The group leaders of Forza Italia also defend Berlusconi in the House and the Senate, Alexander Cattaneo e Licia Ronzulli: «Forza Italia has never left any room for ambiguity on the Ukrainian crisis, as he himself acknowledges, among other things, and President Silvio Berlusconi has clarified on several occasions, and again a few days ago following a statement by the EPP , who never intended to renege on his commitment to support Ukraine, thus not deviating in any way from the party line”.

Instead, the opposition is on the attack. Per Alessia Morani, former dem deputy: «The EPP cancels the summit in Naples following Berlusconi’s words on Ukraine. We continue to isolate ourselves in Europe. Very worrying.’ And for Osvaldo Naples, of Action: «It is in all similar to the tombstone that closes. Now we will hear the court of jesters, dwarfs and dancers who will do their utmost to minimize the censorship of the Ppe. That’s it. Once the eggs have been broken, the omelette is served. Now the EPP no longer has a voice in Italy. By the way, is Tajani still the coordinator of Forza Italia?».

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