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Marriage not consummated, husband (betrayed) also sentenced to maintenance

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Marriage not consummated, husband (betrayed) also sentenced to maintenance

Wife and husband divorce after 12 years of marriage and without ever having consumed

A story that intrigues and leaves you stunned. After 12 years of marriage, without ever consummating a relationship, a man and a woman from Northern Italy have divorced. As he writes Libero, a just cause to free oneself from the marital bond. But the same motivation was not enough to prevent the man from paying the ex-spouse the monthly maintenance of 750 eurosdecision taken in the first instance by the Court of Cassation.

The Court of Appeal had rejected the monthly payment because the woman, residing in Padua, had undertaken a “stable bond, with a character of continuity, at least since the beginning of 2014, with another man, an indication of a common life project, even in the absence of de facto coexistence between them”.

The woman, before the judges, argued that the extra-marital relationship did not have the character of a cohabitation in the manner of a wife (in the manner of a wife), and therefore did not interrupt the ex-husband’s maintenance duties.

For the Cassation the non-consummation of the marriage is considered by canon law among the causes that define the invalidity of the sacrament. In the civil sphere, however, the marriage remains valid, but prolonged abstention can be a just reason for divorce.

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