Home » From Argentina to San Giovanni Bianco in search of one’s origins: a 100-year history

From Argentina to San Giovanni Bianco in search of one’s origins: a 100-year history

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From Argentina to San Giovanni Bianco in search of one’s origins: a 100-year history

100 years ago, an Italian family went to Argentina, today, the great-grandchildren of that family have returned to Italy, more precisely to San Giovanni Bianco. Natacha is Victorrespectively aged 43 and 44, together with their children Mirela, Stefano and Rosella, have decided to trace their origins which saw them uproot themselves from their metropolis in Santa Fe in Argentina, in San Giovanni Bianco.

“What prompted us to come here in January 2022 was the want to get to know a new countryretrace our family history knowing its origins, as well as give stability to our children through a new life experience, educational and that can serve them for the future”, Mama Natacha tells us. Indeed, the economic and social situation in Argentina at the moment is not the best: inflation and the growth of crime are just some of the problems faced by this beautiful country in South America. “Fortunately we didn’t live in a bad economic situation, we had a job, a house, a car, but I admit that economic uncertainty and the big one increase in crime further influenced the choice to come to Italy”Natacha spies you.

Lo uprooting but it wasn’t easy: “We’ve always been used to moving around, but we weren’t never been to Europe and it was a challenge to prepare for this trip. We have always been clear about the fact that we only had to come once they had organized everything well, so as not to take risks and be able to work, possibly ensuring the possibility of being able to go back if something did not go the right way. For this we have collected the necessary funds and prepared all the documentation to apply for citizenship, which we then obtained in July”.

Voice of the valleys Trony Zogno from 9 February to 8 March - The Voice of the Valleys

Natasha’s family comes from Fuipiano, a hamlet of San Giovanni Bianco, while Victor’s family comes from Tuscany, a region that this family wishes to be able to see and get to know. They still don’t have many Italian friends here, despite all of them have always shown themselves available to them: “We understand that this is a time consuming thing, and yet people are always be kind to us and willing to help us.

We’ve been through two rough times as a family during this time, but we have always had someone willing to help us. Gradually we integrate into the community: we like to go to the activities proposed by the municipality or by the Pro Loco; we learn the customs and dishes of Bergamo. Our children participate in various activities in the parish, Mirela and Rosella play tennis while Stefano plays basketball in San Pellegrino Terme”Natacha spies you.

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They all miss the Argentine family very much, but they don’t consider returning to live there at the moment, on the contrary: their next goal is to buy a house right in our beloved Valle.

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