Home » The tweet about the EPS that puts Jorge Enrique Robledo in the face

The tweet about the EPS that puts Jorge Enrique Robledo in the face

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The tweet about the EPS that puts Jorge Enrique Robledo in the face

But this was not all, because the user decided to rape the politician to confront him: “Hello Jorge Enrique Robledo, can you explain your radical change of opinion about the EPS? Are they paying you? Or is it just hatred for Petro? I once believed and voted for you. I hope you have the dignity and answer me,” was the harsh message from the man.

Jorge Enrique Robledo’s response to the attacks

Likewise, several members of the Historical Pact such as Carlos Carillo, councilor of Bogotá or Wilson Arias, senator of the republic dusted off a video in which Jorge Enrique Robledo appears talking about Law 100 and his need to reform it.

Given this, Robledo came out to defend himself with the same video, clarifying that he did not regret a single word of what he had said at that time:

“I do not take away a word from this video that you publish to falsify my health proposal. Because I continue to reform Law 100. And I maintain my criticism of Gaviria, Samper and Santos, today partners of Gustavo Petro and Uribe, in agreements with Petro”, wrote the member of the Dignity party. However, for many Robledo’s argument fell short.

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