Home » Italy-Belgium 2-1, the report cards: Lorenzo show, Chiello top – Sport – European Championships

Italy-Belgium 2-1, the report cards: Lorenzo show, Chiello top – Sport – European Championships

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Italy flies to the semifinals at the European championships beating Belgium 2-1 at the Allianz Arena in Munich thanks to goals in the first half by Barella on 31 ‘and Insigne on 44’. Di Lukaku on a penalty at 47 ‘pt., The goal of the flag for the Red Devils. Italy will face Spain in the semifinals on Tuesday 6 July at Wembley.

These are the report cards of the players of the Italy-Belgium match:

The best: Insigne 8

The scepter of “man of the match” should be shared ex aequo with Barella. We press the blue number 10 because he finally brings out a performance and a right at the height of that shirt he is wearing.

Donnarumma 7.5

Monstrous evening by Gigio, with absolute number one interventions, in line with the years at Milan and the requests of Raiola. A couple of really extraordinary saves. At 22 ‘he parades on a De Bruyne fireball: open right hand. After three minutes, another great save on a left to turn from Lukaku. The Inter, however, displaces him from the spot confirming his personal nightmare as from past in the derby.

Di Lorenzo 5.5

A mistake in his exit after a few seconds of the match triggers the first alarm in the blue area. On his track there would be more freedom because Doku never covers: a possibility that remains in the conditional, because the Belgian elf is a constant danger that forces the Napoli full-back to stay low until the penalty foul: the whistle, however, seems quite severe.

Bonucci 6

Ready-away and there is the exultation with the “rinse”. But it is an exuberance that dies out quickly because Leonardo is rightly seen to cancel the goal for offside (by Di Lorenzo). Evening for the rest of great attention without particular interventions. He plays with great confidence, confirming that Chiellini’s presence also helps him a lot in terms of peace of mind

Chiellini 7

And to think that it was in doubt until the end. Perhaps never in Mancini’s head. Because when Chiellini is like this, he just has to play. Human wall, absolute ruler of air traffic. Lukaku almost always stems: if it were allowed by the regulation, he would tackle the Inter center forward even on the penalty spot. Evening simply as a captain.

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Spinazzola 7

Bubbles with the cap. In the first half it remains very low, but in what seems a precise indication by Mancini to block Belgium on that side. And precisely because it is an atypical evening, the best thing is done in defense: the thigh save with an empty net on Lukaku’s possible 2-2 is worth a goal. In the end, with open spaces, he pushes forward, but only finds the curse of yet another injury: his tears are ours too.

Spinazzola new injury: Achilles tendon rupture

Verratti 7

The middle ground is fought with Tielemans who seems very inspired in the evening: but «Marcolino» soon raises his voice and takes command of his area of ​​the field. Retrieve him and serve Barella on the goal of one to zero. In the seventy-four minutes he remains on the pitch, he acts as a leader and player of absolute level. It comes out after having exhausted all the energies.

Jorginho 7

In the sparks and muscular battles of midfield, he tries to make Italy think with a clear direction. Cools the hottest balls to touch and practically never misses a choice or a play. Fifth game and fifth performance of an absolute level. It is no coincidence that he is the Chelsea director fresh from winning the Champions League. It would be really nice to see him again in Italy.

Stretcher 8

Huge elf, with a huge performance also ennobled by a wonderful network. Yes, because the goal that unlocks the game is a concentration of power and quality: he snatches the ball from the contrast of the Belgian defense and puts Courtois on the long post. Another gigantic evening that confirms the spatial level reached by this little boy who, two years ago, Conte defined as “that of Cagliari”. In Cagliari now everyone is proud.

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Church 6.5

He is the one in the best shape of our forwards, so much so that he won the ballot with Berardi. Mancini’s choice that is supported by the facts, because the Juventus winger mainly plays the first forty-five minutes of great intensity. A right-footed turn at the end of the first half triggers a “huuh” that echoes from Monaco to Rome. In the second half, perhaps a physical decline pays.

Immobile 4,5

At least with Austria he had built a half alibi with that incredible pole hit from outside the area. In Munich, on the other hand, there is never a flash that is one. An evening to forget: clumsy in the controls, mishandles several key-balls. It never affects until it becomes practically a burden because at a certain point the companions stop looking for it. Unfortunately, at certain levels, generosity is not enough.

Mancini 7,5

There are no more adjectives for the national team of Mancio, which has already reached thirty-two useful results in a row. Italy now has the personality of a great team, perhaps unrivaled at the moment on the European scene. Against De Bruyne, Lukaku and company, the Azzurri practically never get scared, nor do they blame the goal conceded at the end of the first half: this is a symptom of a very strong and mature group.

Mancini enthusiastic: “We deserved. We could have scored more goals.”

The substitutes:

Cristante 6,5

Mancini catches him when the Belgian wave begins to rise and he is ready. The sensitivity with which he heartened Spinazzola in tears due to injury should also be underlined.

Belotti 6

He enters for a non-existent building and this already places him in a position of sympathy. Then he finds himself in the moment of the match in which Italy no longer attacks, so he could do little but fight.

Berardi 6

Precious with his knowing how to manage the ball, especially in the final where he has to hide it a little from the opponent’s hunger for a draw.

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Emerson All

Not very incisive, he starts to guard the area well aware that he cannot give what the superb Spinazzola has given so far

Toloi St.

Enter at 91 ‘to strengthen the blue wall in the final siege of Belgium

Team rating: 7.5

The opponents:

Courteous 6. Barella and Insigne electrocute him without the possibility of an answer.
Alderweireld 5.5. A clumsy giant, especially when he tries to move forward.
entertain 5. In great difficulty like the whole department
Vertonghen 5. Mocked by Barella on the blue 1-0
Meunier 6. Complicates Spinazzola’s evening.
Tielemans 6. Super start, then the yellow conditions him: jumped by Insigne at 2-0.
Witsel 6. Fight, but never find real flashes.
T. Hazard 5,5. Inaccurate and not very incisive.
Debruyne 6.5. Halfway through the service, but still three meters above the others.
Texture 7. It is the surprise card: young, but mischievous as in the penalty.
Luke 6. He struggles a little in being found. Glacial on the disk.
Martinez 6. Doku wins, but Belgium is not playing as expected.
Mertens 5. Chadli sv. Praet 5.

Referee Slavko Vincic 5.

It is right to cancel Italy’s 1-0 in the 13th minute, because Chiellini first, then Di Lorenzo are offside on Insigne’s free-kick, before the ball reaches Bonucci for the deflection into the net. The Slovenian whistle warned Verratti for a detention in Tielemans and, after a while, ‘leveled’ the score by admonishing the Leicester midfielder: both cards were right. At 45 ‘the penalty for a foul by Di Lorenzo on Doku leaves a bit of bitterness and doubts: a push from the Napoli full-back is there, but not such as to justify that type of fall by the Belgian winger. Vincic immediately whistles, but confirms the penalty after checking the Var.
Even greater doubts, however, on the contact at the beginning of the second half between De Bruyne and Jorginho that at least a control from the video room would have deserved it.

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