Home » Medellín: The Secretary of Education is placed under house arrest

Medellín: The Secretary of Education is placed under house arrest

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Medellín: The Secretary of Education is placed under house arrest

Since last February 13, the Prosecutor’s Office requested in hearing the preventive insurance measure against the Secretary of Education of Medellín, Alexandra Agudelo; the former technical director of the Buen Comienzo program, Lina María Gil; and the legal representative of the Colombia Avanza Corporation, Henry Paulison Gómez.

The request would be given after they will be charged with the crimes of embezzlement by appropriation in favor of third partiesattempted embezzlement in favor of third parties and contract without compliance with legal requirements.

The case is related to the complaint made at the end of 2020 by the councilor of MedellínAlfredo Ramos Maya, on the irregularities in the contracting between the Buen Comienzo program and the questioned Colombia Avanza de Bello corporation.

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Today, February 20, the 39th municipal criminal judge of the capital of Antioquia, after a four-day hearing where the Prosecutor’s Office and Attorney General’s Office was heard, ruled on the insurance measure for the leading official of the education sector in the cabinet of the current mayor Daniel Quintero. The same, must continue his process deprived of liberty at home, this, until a judge makes a final decision regarding the alleged crimes that he would have committed. Similarly, she was removed from office.

This measure was also imposed on Lina María Gil, former technical director of Buen Comienzo. While Henry Paulison Gómez, former legal representative of Colombia Avanza, was released for resigning last Tuesday.

According to the arguments presented by the Prosecutor’s Office, there would have been cost overruns for a value close to 2,000 million pesos, between the two contracts signed with the company Colombia Avanza.

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For his part, the mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero, spoke about it on his Twitter account: “Today it became clear that not one peso was lost. During the process, our Secretary will clarify any additional questions on this issue. We respect the decisions of the judges (…) There were never any cost overruns for children’s food. Judge 39 Municipal of Medellín “.

The official also trilled regarding the measure issued: “We abide by the decisions of justice. With serenity I will continue to defend my good name and the management that I have carried out with transparency in the Ministry of Education of Medellín (…) Before justice, I will continue to deliver the statements that are necessary to demonstrate that in the Ministry of Education we have acted in accordance with the law and we always seek the well-being of the children and young people of Medellín”.

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