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open letter to general practitioners

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open letter to general practitioners

TRIESTE – The West Plateau district strongly denounces the “known and serious problem of the lack of general practitioners in our area of ​​pertinence but above all in Prosecco, Contovello and Santa Croce”. The president of the parliament Pavel Vidoni thus sends an open letter to the mayor Roberto Dipiazza, to the vice president of the Region Riccardo Riccardi and to the general manager of Asugi Antonio Poggiana, asking for an urgent meeting and declaring: “Our people are literally fed up with wandering to the doctor at Opicina or even in Trieste. In both cases, reaching your doctor there with public transport is very difficult, especially for our older fellow citizens”.

Questions and motions are mentioned in the note, as well as a petition addressed to the healthcare company, explaining that “we have received answers, but unfortunately superficial and incomplete. Above all, however, words have not been followed by deeds. The situation continues to be as it has been for two years ta, before the pandemic and unfortunately there are no solutions of any kind on the horizon. In the past week we read in the local media that the solution was found for the neighboring municipalities (Duino-Aurisina, Sgonico and Monrupino). The fact knocked us down more and more”.

“The answers from the director of Asugi – continues Vidoni – are now outdated, the first bears the date of February 10, the second of July 5. Both of 2022. The first was given to an individual citizen through the ombudsman , where the director Poggiana communicates that with decree 68/2022, on 24 January 2022, Dr. PA was entrusted with the possibility of operating in the territory of the Western Plateau District and that she has ninety days to accept the assignment and occupy the clinic The ninety days have passed and there is no trace of the doctor”.

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“In July of the past year – explains the president of the district – the director Poggiana answered our question to advise, where among other things he writes that during the year (therefore 2022) the competition will be announced for sixteen new doctors of general medicine with at least one doctor (binding) for our area. On 30 August 2022 we sent you a petition with 134 signatures from citizens of our area. To which, however, we have not received any response from you”.

As far as the former Don Marzari rest home in Borgo San Nazario is concerned, “the structure was included by Asugi in the document on the restructuring of the health system – concludes the letter -. The structure should be re-adapted into a health unit for the plateau ( at least that was how it was understood from what was reported by the media). This was followed by total silence on the part of both the Healthcare Authority and the FVG Region. For its part, however, the Municipality of Trieste intends to sell it. We hope to receive I deserve timely and accurate information”.

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