Home » Coronavirus in Italy, today’s bulletin: in Italy 808 new positives and 12 deaths

Coronavirus in Italy, today’s bulletin: in Italy 808 new positives and 12 deaths

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Today in Italy there are 808 new cases of Covid-19 positivity registered. The deaths instead are 12. There are 141,640 molecular and antigenic swabs carried out in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Ministry of Health. Yesterday there were 228,127. The positivity rate is 0.57%, up slightly from 0.4% yesterday. The number of hospitalized fell by 30 units from 1,394 to 1,364 and that of patients in intensive care from 204 to 197 (-7) with 7 new hospitalizations. The discharged / healed rose from 4,089,298 to 4,091,004 (+1,706). The number of victims rises to 127,637. The swabs carried out were 141,640 against 228,127 yesterday.

The decline in the curve slows down

After 14 consecutive weeks of uninterrupted and constant descent of the epidemic curve, the week ending today records a much more modest decline than the previous ones, with the last three days having seen, for the first time in months, more cases ever than the corresponding days of last week. Sunday’s toll speaks of 5.7% fewer cases than seven days ago: in absolute terms, 5,260 positive against 5,581 last week. Which, on the other hand, closed with a more solid -31.2%, which in turn followed the record drop of the seven days before, -34.9%. In short, the trend of the last few days suggests that the descent is veering towards the flat, if not towards an ascent. That some Regions are already in slight recovery is a fact: even if the numbers are still very low, Veneto reports a + 12.2% weekly, Liguria a +12.9, the Marches, with the outbreaks of the Delta variant, even a + 130%.


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No deaths from Covid, in Piedmont, for the sixth consecutive day. This was reported by the Regional Crisis Unit, which communicates 40 new cases of positive people, 0.4% of the 11,421 swabs performed. The asymptomatic are 17 (42.5%). There are ten patients in intensive care, one more than yesterday, 94 in the other wards (-3), while there are 673 people in home isolation. Since the beginning of the pandemic, therefore, deaths remain 11,696, while cases of 367,072 registered positivity and 354,599 recovered (17 more than yesterday).



There are 53 new cases of contagion in Veneto, where no deaths have been reported. The total number of infected people since the beginning of the epidemic rises to 425,654, while that of victims remains at 11,619. A total of 238 beds are occupied by Covid patients (zero new accesses), with intensive care remaining at 14 patients and (0).

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Covid hospitalizations in Lombardy are decreasing while 131 new positives and one victim have been recorded in the last 24 hours. In intensive care there are 44 patients (-1) while in the ordinary wards the hospitalized are 195 against 208 yesterday (-13). With today’s victim, the total number of deaths rises to 33,786. The swabs carried out were 25,866 against 40,074 yesterday when 140 new positives were counted.

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Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia 9 new infections have been detected on 1,473 molecular swabs – of which 4 concerning migrants-asylum seekers in the area of ​​the former province of Trieste – with a positive percentage of 0.61%. 66% of these are people under the age of 29. There are also 506 rapid antigenic tests performed, from which no cases were detected. Today there are no deaths and there are no people hospitalized in intensive care, while patients in other departments drop to 6.

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For the first time in months, the number of covid positives in Liguria falls below one thousand: in the whole region there are 969 infected people. There are 343 fewer than yesterday and are distributed as follows: 48 in the province of Imperia, 99 in the province of Savona, 579 in that of Genoa and 153 in that of La Spezia, 34 are residents outside the region and for 56 the verification of residence is underway. There are 13 new cases: 3 in the Imperia area, 3 in the Savona area, 2 in the Genoa area and 5 in the Tigullio area. No contact in La Spezia. The 13 infected emerged from 2068 molecular swabs and 1816 rapid antigenic tests for a positivity rate of 0.33%. 356 have been cured. Since the virus began to circulate in Liguria there have been 103,476 infected. There are 21 people in hospitals, one more than yesterday: 7 are in intensive care (yesterday they were 6). No deaths were recorded: the total number of deaths is 4352.


There are 52 new cases of Coronavirus positivity found in the last 24 hours in Emilia-Romagna, identified on the basis of 11,916 swabs. There are no deaths and the number of hospitalized patients is stable compared to yesterday: there are 22 in intensive care and 161 in the other Covid wards. Among the new cases of positivity, 13 are asymptomatic. The average age is 35.6 years.


In Tuscany there are 49 new cases of contagion from Covid (all confirmed with molecular swabs), which bring the total to 244,484 since the beginning of the coronavirus health emergency. New cases are 0.02% more than the previous day’s total. The healed grew by 0.03% and reached 236,042 (96.5% of total cases). Today 5,689 molecular swabs and 5,990 rapid antigenic swabs were performed, of which 0.4% were positive. On the other hand, 4,138 subjects were tested today (with antigenic and / or molecular swab, excluding the control swabs), of which 1.2% were positive. The currently positive are 1,567 today, -2.1% compared to yesterday. There are 95 hospitalized (8 fewer than yesterday), of which 16 in intensive care (2 fewer). Today there is 1 new death: an 85-year-old woman.

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After months the intensive therapies in Umbria are back free from Covid patients. This was reported by the Region’s website updated on Sunday 4 July. Eleven places occupied in hospitals by patients with the virus, one more on Saturdays. On the last day, 11 new positives were recorded, 17 recovered and one new victim. The current positives are now 684, seven less than on Saturday. 1,310 swabs and 2,188 antigen tests were analyzed, with a positive rate of 0.3 percent of the total.


“Today out of over 6 thousand swabs in Lazio (-1451) and almost 15 thousand antigenic for a total of over 21 thousand tests, 83 new positive cases (-2), 2 deaths (-1), are hospitalized are 155”. This was announced by the Lazio Region Health Councilor Alessio D’Amato. “The recovered are 145, the intensive therapies are 37 (-3). The ratio between positives and swabs – he adds – is 1.3% but if we also consider the antigenic the percentage drops to 0.3%. Cases in Rome cities are at an altitude of 61 “.


A 76-year-old man from Monsapolo del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno) is the only victim related to ‘Covid-19’ recorded in the Marche region in the last 24 hours; he was hospitalized in San Benedetto del Tronto and was also suffering from other pathologies. This is learned from the third daily bulletin of the regional health service. The victims since the beginning of the pandemic crisis have thus risen 3,037: 1,706 men and 1,332 women.


On the last day in Abruzzo, 11 new positives were recorded, 17 recovered and a new victim. The current positives are now 684, seven less than on Saturday. 1,310 swabs and 2,188 antigen tests were analyzed, with a positive rate of 0.3 percent of the total.



In the last 24 hours, there are 110 positive cases in Campania out of 5,735 molecular swabs examined. Yesterday the contagion rate was 2.19%, today it drops to 1.91%. Even today, according to data from the Crisis Unit of the Campania Region, no deaths. In hospitals, the number of beds occupied in intensive care remains unchanged at 19, with a slight increase in those in hospital which today are 211 while yesterday they were 208.

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There is a new death due to Covid in Basilicata. This was announced by the regional task force which also reported six new infections that emerged yesterday in the face of 394 molecular swabs processed. No healings were recorded on the same day. Sixteen in total are currently hospitalized in Lucanian hospitals, none in intensive care.


Today in Puglia, 3,710 tests for Covid-19 coronavirus infection and 25 positive cases have been recorded: 4 in the province of Bari, 6 in the province of Brindisi, 2 in the province of BAT, 3 in the province of Foggia, 7 in the province of Lecce, 2 in the province of Taranto, 1 case of resident outside the region. In addition, 2 deaths were recorded: 1 in the province of Bari, 1 in the province of Brindisi. Since the beginning of the emergency, 2,698,172 tests have been carried out, 244,192 patients are cured, 2,660 are currently positive cases.


There are 24 more people, compared to yesterday, who tested positive for coronavirus in Calabria on 1,791 swabs performed. So far 940,479 swabs have been carried out, 69,082 people have tested positive for the coronavirus. This was announced by the Region in the daily bulletin of data relating to Covid: compared to yesterday, the ratio between swabs made and positive swabs drops (from 2.78% to 1.34%). Since the beginning of the emergency there have been 1,230 deaths (+2 compared to yesterday), 64,701 healed (+251 compared to yesterday), currently there are 57 hospitalizations (-3 compared to yesterday), of which 6 in intensive care. The current positives are 3,151 (-229).


There are 102 new Covid19 positives recorded in Sicily in the last 24 hours out of 6,397 swabs processed, with an incidence rising to 1.6%, yesterday it was 1.5%. The Region remains today in third place in Italy for the number of daily infections behind Lombardy and Campania. Two victims bringing the total dead remains 5,981. The number of current positives is 3,563 with a decrease of 112 cases. The healed are 212. In hospitals there are 158 4 fewer patients than yesterday, those in intensive care are 15, two fewer than yesterday.


A total of 57,300 cases of positive Covid-19 have been ascertained in Sardinia since the beginning of the emergency. In the latest update of the Regional Crisis Unit 21 new cases were reported. In total, 1,393,892 swabs were performed, for an overall increase of 1,331 tests compared to the previous figure. There are no new deaths (1,492 in total).

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