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Avoid doing this diet: it causes serious hormonal damage and more

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Avoid doing this diet: it causes serious hormonal damage and more

It is important to avoid this diet as the consequences can be particularly serious and cause hormonal imbalances.

To get rid of the extra pounds, people rely on the many diets that promise to lose weight in no time and without giving up. In this regard, it is important to know that there is no need to follow a particular one type of diet which in fact could cause problems also very serious, which concern the hormonal balances.

Following a wrong diet can cause serious hormonal damage – Mammastyle.it

That said, below we provide you with all the information relating to wrong habits that they put in place to cope with the extra pounds. It’s about very useful tips that allow you to avoid serious body problems.

Diet, which not to follow to avoid health problems

As many of you already know, there are many diets that promise to get rid of the extra pounds in just one week, sometimes in just over three days. Clearly it is about diets that can be potentially dangerous so you need to pay due attention. When you want to lose weight, too often you resort to diets recommended by friends and relatives, magazines and so on. This is a big mistake since it would rather be necessary to turn to expert doctors in the sector.

Diet and hormonal damage: what to know
You have to be very careful with DIY diets – Mammastyle.it

The main danger is represented by do it yourself diets which in fact in most cases are unbalanced and do not provide for the contribution of all the nutrients that allow the body to be kept healthy. These allow you to lose weight in a short time, this is true, but it is a loss of fluids, not fat. In this sense, within a short time, we go back to gaining weight and regaining the lost kilos, gaining others.

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Resorting to this type of diet, however, ends up reducing the sense of satiety and stimulating hunger. In a nutshell, you end up indulging in binges which consequently lead to further weight gain. The fact that losing weight and then gaining weight again ends up demoralizing and lowering self-esteem should not be underestimated.

To lose weight and, therefore, to do it well, it is important instead to establish a diet that includes intake of all nutrients. And therefore that it adapts perfectly to the person, taking into account gender, age and lifestyle. Clearly, to be able to lose weight it is also essential to carry out a regular physical activity which allows you to reduce fat mass. In addition to this, it is also important to eat several times a day. Experts advise to do 5 sure: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner. Preferred are foods rich in fiber and protein such as, for example, meat, fish, vegetables and fruit.

Beyond the advice that allows you to lose weight well, it must be emphasized that it is essential to contact an expert figure and in any case avoid following do-it-yourself diets.

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