Home » The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the “Overall Layout Plan for the Construction of Digital China”_News Center_China Logistics and Purchasing Network

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the “Overall Layout Plan for the Construction of Digital China”_News Center_China Logistics and Purchasing Network

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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 27th. Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the “Overall Layout Plan for the Construction of Digital China” (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”), and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to implement it conscientiously in light of their actual conditions.

The “Plan” pointed out that the construction of digital China is an important engine for promoting Chinese-style modernization in the digital age, and it is a strong support for building new advantages in national competition. Accelerating the construction of digital China is of great significance and far-reaching impact on the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country and the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The “Plan” emphasizes that it is necessary to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on a network power, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, complete, Accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, focus on promoting high-quality development, coordinate development and safety, strengthen system concepts and bottom-line thinking, strengthen the overall layout, and follow the principles of consolidating the foundation, empowering the overall situation, strengthening capabilities and optimizing the environment The strategic path comprehensively enhances the integrity, system and synergy of digital China construction, promotes the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, drives the transformation of production, living and governance methods through digitization, and injects powerful resources into the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization. power.

The “Plan” proposes that by 2025, an integrated promotion pattern that is horizontally connected, vertically connected, and coordinated and powerful will be basically formed, and important progress will be made in the construction of digital China. The digital infrastructure is efficiently connected, the scale and quality of data resources are accelerated, the value of data elements is effectively released, the quality and benefits of digital economy development are greatly enhanced, the level of government digitization and intelligence is significantly improved, the construction of digital culture leaps to a new level, and the digital society is precise and inclusive Remarkable results have been achieved in digitalization and convenience, positive progress has been made in the construction of digital ecological civilization, major breakthroughs have been achieved in digital technology innovation, global leadership in application innovation, comprehensive improvement in digital security capabilities, a more complete digital governance system, and new prospects for international cooperation in the digital field. By 2035, the level of digital development will enter the forefront of the world, and major achievements will be made in the construction of digital China. The systematic layout of the digital China construction is more scientific and complete, and the digital development in the fields of economy, politics, culture, society, and ecological civilization construction is more coordinated and sufficient, which strongly supports the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

The “Plan” clarifies that the construction of digital China will be laid out in accordance with the overall framework of “2522”, that is, to consolidate the “two foundations” of digital infrastructure and data resource system, and promote the “five foundations” of digital technology and economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological civilization construction. In-depth integration of all-in-one”, strengthen the “two capabilities” of digital technology innovation system and digital security barrier, and optimize the “two environments” of digital development at home and abroad.

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The “Plan” pointed out that it is necessary to consolidate the foundation for the construction of digital China. The first is to open up the main arteries of digital infrastructure. Accelerate the coordinated construction of 5G networks and Gigabit optical networks, further promote the large-scale deployment and application of IPv6, promote the comprehensive development of the mobile Internet of Things, and vigorously promote the large-scale application of Beidou. The system optimizes the layout of computing power infrastructure, promotes efficient complementarity and collaborative linkage of computing power between the east and the west, and guides the rational echelon layout of general data centers, supercomputing centers, intelligent computing centers, and edge data centers. Improve the level of application infrastructure as a whole, and strengthen the digitalization and intelligent transformation of traditional infrastructure. The second is to smooth the circulation of data resources. Build a national data management system and mechanism, and improve data overall management institutions at all levels. Promote the aggregation and utilization of public data, and build national data resource banks in important fields such as public health, science and technology, and education. Unleash the value potential of commercial data, accelerate the establishment of a data property rights system, carry out research on data asset valuation, and establish a mechanism for data elements to participate in the distribution of value contributions.

The “Plan” pointed out that it is necessary to fully empower economic and social development. One is to make the digital economy stronger, better and bigger. Cultivate and strengthen the core industries of the digital economy, study and formulate measures to promote the high-quality development of the digital industry, and create an internationally competitive digital industry cluster. Promote the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy, and accelerate the innovative application of digital technology in key areas such as agriculture, industry, finance, education, medical care, transportation, and energy. Support the development and growth of digital enterprises, improve the working mechanism for integration and innovation of large and small enterprises, give play to the guiding role of “green light” investment cases, and promote the standardized and healthy development of platform enterprises. The second is to develop efficient and coordinated digital government affairs. Accelerate the innovation of systems and rules, and improve the rules and regulations that are compatible with the construction of digital government affairs. Strengthen digital capacity building, promote information system network interconnection, data sharing on demand, and efficient business collaboration. Improve the level of digital services, accelerate the promotion of “doing one thing at a time”, promote the integration of online and offline, and strengthen and standardize the management of mobile Internet applications for government affairs. The third is to create a confident and prosperous digital culture. Vigorously develop Internet culture, strengthen the supply of high-quality Internet cultural products, and guide various platforms and the majority of Internet users to create and produce positive, healthy, and positive Internet cultural products. Promote the development of cultural digitalization, implement the national cultural digitalization strategy in depth, build a national cultural big data system, and form a Chinese cultural database. Improve digital cultural service capabilities, create a number of comprehensive digital cultural display platforms, and accelerate the development of new cultural enterprises, cultural formats, and cultural consumption models. The fourth is to build an inclusive and convenient digital society. Promote the universalization of digital public services, vigorously implement the national educational digitization strategic action, improve the national smart education platform, develop digital health, and standardize the development of Internet diagnosis and treatment and Internet hospitals. Promote the precision of digital social governance, implement in-depth digital rural development actions, and empower rural industrial development, rural construction, and rural governance with digitalization. Popularize the intelligentization of digital life, create a smart and convenient living circle, new digital consumption formats, and future-oriented intelligent and immersive service experience. The fifth is to build a green and intelligent digital ecological civilization. Promote the intelligent governance of the ecological environment, accelerate the construction of a smart and efficient ecological environment information system, use digital technology to promote the integrated protection and systematic governance of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, improve the three-dimensional “one map” of natural resources and the basic information platform of land space, Construct a smart water conservancy system centered on the digital twin basin. Accelerate digital and green collaborative transformation. Advocate a green and intelligent lifestyle.

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The “Plan” points out that it is necessary to strengthen the key capabilities of digital China. The first is to build a self-reliant and self-reliant digital technology innovation system. Improve the new national system for key core technology research under the conditions of a socialist market economy, and strengthen the deep integration of industry, education and research led by enterprises. Strengthen the main position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, and give play to the leading and supporting role of scientific and technological backbone enterprises. Strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights and improve the distribution mechanism for the conversion of intellectual property rights. The second is to build a credible and controllable digital security barrier. Effectively maintain network security and improve the system of network security laws, regulations and policies. Enhance data security capabilities, establish a basic system for data classification and tiered protection, and improve the network data monitoring, early warning and emergency response work system.

The “Plan” pointed out that the digital development environment should be optimized. The first is to build a fair and standardized digital governance ecosystem. Improve the system of laws and regulations, strengthen the overall coordination of legislation, research and formulate legislative plans in the digital field, and adjust legal systems that are not suitable for digital development in a timely and procedural manner. Build a technical standard system, compile guidelines for digital standards, and speed up the formulation and revision of application standards for digital transformation in various industries and cross-industry integration development. Improve the level of governance, improve the comprehensive network governance system, enhance the comprehensive multi-dimensional comprehensive governance capabilities, and build a scientific, efficient, and orderly network governance pattern. Purify the network space, carry out in-depth network ecological governance work, promote the series of special actions of “clear” and “clean network”, and innovatively promote the construction of network civilization. The second is to build an open and win-win international cooperation pattern in the digital field. Make overall plans for international cooperation in the digital field, establish a multi-level coordination, multi-platform support, and multi-subject participation international exchange and cooperation system in the digital field, jointly build a high-quality “Digital Silk Road”, and actively develop “Silk Road E-commerce”. Expand the space for international cooperation in the digital field, actively participate in digital cooperation platforms under multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Group of Twenty, APEC, BRICS, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and build a new platform for open cooperation in the digital field with high quality. Actively participate in the construction of relevant international rules such as cross-border data flow.

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The “Planning” emphasizes that it is necessary to strengthen overall planning and overall planning, and implement various tasks. First, strengthen organization and leadership. Adhere to and strengthen the party’s overall leadership over the construction of digital China. Under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, the Central Network Security and Informatization Committee strengthens the overall coordination, overall advancement, and supervision of the implementation of digital China construction. Give full play to the role of the network security and informatization committee of the local party committee, improve the discussion and coordination mechanism, put digital development in an important position in the work of the region, and effectively implement responsibilities. All relevant departments, according to the division of responsibilities, improve policies and measures, strengthen resource integration and force coordination, and form a joint force. The second is to improve the system and mechanism. Establish and improve the overall coordination mechanism for the construction of digital China, timely study and solve major problems in digital development, promote cross-departmental coordination and linkage between upper and lower levels, and do a good job in the supervision and implementation of major tasks and major projects. Conduct digital China development monitoring and evaluation. Take the construction of Digital China as a reference for the assessment and evaluation of relevant party and government leading cadres. The third is to ensure capital investment. Innovate the way of financial support and strengthen the overall guidance of various funds. Give full play to the role of the national industry-finance cooperation platform and guide financial resources to support digital development. Encourage and guide capital to participate in the construction of digital China in a standardized manner, and build an investment and financing system in which social capital can effectively participate. The fourth is to strengthen the support of talents. Strengthen the digital thinking, digital cognition and digital skills of leading cadres and civil servants. Coordinate the deployment of a number of disciplines and professional points in the digital field, and cultivate innovative, application-oriented, and compound talents. Build a digital literacy and skill development cultivation system that covers the whole people and integrates urban and rural areas. The fifth is to create a good atmosphere. Promote the joint participation of colleges and universities, research institutions, and enterprises in the construction of digital China, and establish a number of digital China research bases. Coordinate and carry out the comprehensive pilot work of digital China construction, comprehensively integrate and promote reform experiments. Successfully hold major events such as the Digital China Construction Summit, hold high-level domestic and international competitions in the digital field, promote the concept of digitalization to gain popular support, and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to pay attention to and actively participate in the construction of Digital China.

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