Home » Tanzania: the first sports academy in the country sees the light with the help of the Italian embassy

Tanzania: the first sports academy in the country sees the light with the help of the Italian embassy

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An agreement was signed last week at the residence of the Italian ambassador in the Republic of Tanzania, Marco Lombardi, between Bergs&More and the Tanzanian entrepreneur Mainga Kalaita for the foundation and construction of the first Tanzanian sports academy, the Tan Warriors Sport Academy in Morogoro. Also present at the signing ceremony were the Minister of Culture and Sport of Tanzania Pindi Chana and the Ambassador of Tanzania in Italy Mahmoud Thabit Kombo.

On the occasion of the signing ceremony Mainga, visibly satisfied, speaking exclusively in Kinwahili praised the agreement with Bergs&More and thanked the Italian embassy in Dar Es Salaam, which helped put him in touch with the European and Italian sports world, also organizing various meetings with football schools and sports academies in Italy.

“The signing was achieved above all thanks to the work of the Tanzanian diaspora” explained to Africa e Affari Rita Ricciardi, founder and partner of Bergs&More, “who intercepted this academy project and brought it to us”, she said. The project, born from the determination and vision of the Tanzanian businessman Mainga Kalaita, who initially intended to finance the Academy with personal funds, during his natural life, was finally developed by the sports department of Bergs&More, which helped to design “a sustainable academy that could stand on its own in a few years”, even after Mainga.

The goal of the Tan Warriors Sport Academy, Rita Ricciardi explained to us, “is to help young people not only find their sporting vocation but also and above all help them to be leaders, with a greater ability to focus on their goals. An all-round youth training project”. The Tan Warriors Sports Academy will therefore not be an exclusively sports project. Initially it will only concern football but, in Mainga’s intentions, it could soon expand to other disciplines.

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In Tanzania there is no real youth football system and there is no strategy for the sector despite the fact that there are many talented young people. The latter are hardly discovered, because there is no underlying structure, but it has also happened that several Tanzanian talents who have had success in Europe returned to the country because they were unable to adapt to a different lifestyle, in particular due to gaps in terms of training youth: “In the absence of a school of life, these episodes are inevitable,” Rita Ricciardi told Africa e Affari.

Bergs&More is a legal and consultancy firm operating in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, where it is based in Nairobi, Kenya, and deals with the construction of entrepreneurial projects, business partnerships and their bankability. [dal nostro inviato a Dar es-Salaam]

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