Home » Nintendo is skipping E3 this year – Gamereactor

Nintendo is skipping E3 this year – Gamereactor

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Nintendo is skipping E3 this year – Gamereactor

There have been recent rumors that Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft won’t be present at this year’s E3 showcase, and now Nintendo has confirmed its absence.

A few years ago, it was considered odd for a major platform owner not to have a show at E3. However, with the rise of first-party demos like Nintendo Directs and PlayStation State of Plays, the gaming giant now seems more willing to go its own way.

In a statement to Venture Beat about the absence of E3, Nintendo said : “We participate in any event on a case-by-case basis and are always considering various ways to engage with our fans. Since this year’s E3 exhibition did not fit our plans, we decided not to participate. However, we have always been and will continue to be ESA And a staunch supporter of E3.

Even without some heavy hitters, E3 won’t be empty, as Konami intends to show off some big titles at the event, and Ubisoft may have a big reveal as well.

Are you looking forward to E3?

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