Home » For Elly Schlein, losing the moderates would be a godsend

For Elly Schlein, losing the moderates would be a godsend

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by Cristian Giaracuni

Not even the time to have the official results that already on social networks a series of revelers announced the imminent departure of the Democratic Party. According to them, with the advent of the new secretary slime, the already moribund Democratic Party would have been destined to definitively dry up by virtue of the massive flight of the moderates: terrified by the return of the Bolsheviks, the voters, lost and wandering, were already ready to move bag and baggage into the “two-room party” of Calenda and Renzi.

The result of the primaries would be all fat dripping for the so-called third pole and obviously for that wicked strategist of Joseph Conte who, thanks to Elly Schlein’s victory, obtained with the votes of 5-star voters on a secret mission in the dem gazebos, and the consequent transhumance of the moderates towards less revolutionary shores, would finally have the opportunity to become the undisputed leader of the opposition.

Indeed, according to this bizarre theory, the leader of the 5Stelle would have a mad desire to remain alone in the opposition, gnawing like a voracious mantis on the carcass of an emptied Pd, but without ever getting enough marks to suffer government responsibility. Bizarre vision of things that starts from the usual flawed narrative, promulgated for example by Letta, according to which the M5S, populist and irresponsible, would be hostile to the left, and therefore incompatible with the moderate and responsible Democratic Party.

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Anyone who knows the history of the M5S knows very well that the Grillo and Casaleggio Movement was born on progressive requests ignored and vilified by the nascent Pd veltronian who took the left hostage and proclaimed itself the only authentic voice. The hostility of the 5 stars, if anything, was towards that Piddina ruling class that managed the party as an abject business committee divided into those thousand currents that Schlein has announced she finally wants to wither.

The voters of Conte’s M5S who voted for the former MEP in the primaries, thanks to the bizarre open voting mechanism, certainly didn’t to stand alone in the opposition to bark at the moon as this terrifying center-right ravages Italy. But they did it to make the Pd a reliable bank and an attractive ally for the next electoral rounds.

Reasoning for the transfer of votes from the Pd to the third pole then demonstrates an absolute myopia because those who practice this reasoning persist in considering the pool of potential voters as a closed circuit, while ignoring the now cumbersome shadow of the millions of abstainers desperately looking for a voice to represent them.

In reality, the escape of the alleged moderates, understood however as leadershipi.e. Renzians and former Christian Democrats who embalm the party, would be a godsend for Elly Schlein’s new Pd whose most difficult task will in fact be to purify the party, accompanying a few ras, club bosses and various ballast to the door for put an end once and for all to the ambiguous farce of the “but also” and choose a clear and defined path, truly an alternative to the right and truly progressive.

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Elly Schlein’s new (if it really will be) Democratic Party will probably also lose some voters fond of that musty stench typical of the Democratic Party “responsible”, swamped in the management of power and nailed by infighting in his immovable ignorance, but could earn all the necessary votes to really represent a piece of society and maybe try the thrill of winning elections too.

The former minister Fioroni he has already greeted the company by announcing “a new network of Catholics and Democrats” while Bersani seems ready to return: these are the first steps towards a better party.

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