Home » Zhou Pengju led a team to inspect the safety production work at important risk points, emphasizing the resolute implementation of safety production responsibility measures in place

Zhou Pengju led a team to inspect the safety production work at important risk points, emphasizing the resolute implementation of safety production responsibility measures in place

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Zhou Pengju led a team to inspect the safety production work at important risk points, emphasizing the resolute implementation of safety production responsibility measures in place

Date: 2023-03-01
Views: 40
Source: Fuxin News Network
Responsible editor: Li Yan

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On February 27, Zhou Pengju, the mayor and director of the Municipal Safety Production Committee, led a team to visit enterprises, kindergartens, and nursing homes to supervise and inspect the safety production work at important risk points.

Zhou Pengju and his entourage came to Liaoning Paishanlou Gold Mining Co., Ltd. and Fuxin Honglin Mining (Group) Co., Ltd. through the real-time monitoring screen in the central control room of the enterprise, checked the safety production situation of the underground operation face, and listened carefully to the safety production work report of the enterprise. He emphasized that all enterprises should earnestly fulfill their main responsibility for safety production, establish a solid bottom-line thinking, carry forward the spirit of struggle, draw inferences from one instance, comprehensively investigate and rectify potential risks in all links of production, improve emergency plans, strengthen employee safety training, and implement the main person in charge of the enterprise during key periods. The on-duty and 24-hour emergency on-duty system ensures that the responsibility is vertical and the closed loop is in place, and emergencies are quickly and efficiently dealt with. It is necessary to continue to promote mechanized replacement of personnel and automation to reduce personnel to improve the intrinsic safety level of enterprises.

In the Mongolian Kindergarten in the city, Zhou Pengju walked into the police room to simulate and test the emergency response capability of the campus one-button alarm system on the spot, and put forward requirements for strengthening and improving campus security. Subsequently, Zhou Pengju inspected the classrooms and activity areas, the canteen and the back kitchen operation room, etc., focusing on spot checks on the use and maintenance of gas facilities and the implementation of the back kitchen food sample retention system. He urged the relevant departments and the person in charge of the park to tighten the string of safety at all times, grasp the safety management of the campus with higher standards and tougher measures, strictly prevent and control safety risks in key areas such as fire protection and food, and timely, comprehensively and Thoroughly rectify potential safety hazards and create a safe and warm educational environment. It is necessary to strengthen the closed-loop management of the whole process of school buses, compact responsibilities, make up for shortcomings, strengthen measures, and do everything possible to ensure the safety of teachers and students on the bus. In Haohai Senior Apartment, Zhou Pengju went to the fire control room to conduct on-site inspections. He emphasized that all counties, districts, and relevant departments should further strengthen the work of fire control room duty and fire protection facilities maintenance and management of social units, urge all units to implement the fire safety responsibility system, standardize and improve the fire safety management level of social units, and enhance fire emergency response capabilities . During the inspection, Zhou Pengju emphasized that it is necessary to effectively strengthen the fire safety management of “one old and one young” places, strengthen departmental linkage, highlight actual combat scenarios, and carry out full coverage of fire protection knowledge training for all employees, equipment practical drills, initial fire fighting, emergency escape, etc. Subject drills continue to improve emergency response and initial fire fighting capabilities to ensure that the fire safety situation continues to be stable.

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City leader Lai Huaping checked together.

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