Home » Stadio, Sala on Milan: “Acceleration for La Maura, I want to understand”. And he meets Cardinale

Stadio, Sala on Milan: “Acceleration for La Maura, I want to understand”. And he meets Cardinale

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Stadio, Sala on Milan: “Acceleration for La Maura, I want to understand”.  And he meets Cardinale

Joseph Sala meet Gerry Cardinal. The mayor of Milano decided to speak directly face-to-face with the owner of the Milan for clarity on the stadium issue. The face-to-face is needed “to understand if, as he declares, Milan really want to go directly up la maura and then figure out what to do.” “I think there is an acceleration of Milan and I want check it out today directly with the property,” explained Sala. The meeting comes in the aftermath of the summit at Marine Palace between the mayor himself and the due club, Inter and Milan, at the end of which Sala had declared: “It is clear that nobody wants the old San Siro anymore”. The two clubs seem to have chosen other paths: the Nerazzurri aim for the Assago area, the Rossoneri have indeed expressed interest in the La Maura racecourse area.

It has been going on for many years now the dialogue between the mayor of Milan and the two companies, but it seems that the dossier on the new stadium at San Siro has stalled. “Someone says” that San Siro “is one lost battle of the mayor. I don’t know why it’s a losing battle. If teams want a new stadium because they believe that only with a new stage do the revenues, I can’t help it much”, commented Sala. “The fact remains – she added – that the Milan he expressed himself at this point with clarityor it will express itself, because it hasn’t deleted yet the hypothesis of working together with Inter. But it seems to me that the orientation is to go towards a stage and with a project necessary. L’Inter Not yet. We see”.

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According to the words of the mayor of Milan, therefore, the Rossoneri seem to have almost definitively decided to abandon the Cathedral project. The Nerazzurri, on the other hand, are less clear-cut. “The hypothesis Assago for the Inter stadium? I do not know. They can be kept open many guesses but in the end you have to try to tighten,” Sala said. But she wanted to highlight another aspect: “My hope would be that the’Intereven in one phase transitorymay stay at the San Siro“.

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