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Daniele Scardina, now a video appears: what happened

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Daniele Scardina, now a video appears: what happened

The sports world holds its breath for conditions Of Daniel Scardinawhich, although serious, remain stationary. After undergoing head surgery two days ago, the athlete was stabilized. Meanwhile, an attempt is being made to clarify the illness accused in the gym, and the version of events seems to be unequivocal. The boxer’s manager, Alessandro Cherchi, was able to confirm that – at the end of the training session – Scardina was fine. “I wasn’t present at the gym – underlined the boxer’s manager – but I saw a video in which he can be seen getting out of the ring without any problems. I can add that during training Daniele hadn’t even been knocked out”.

Read also: Daniele Scardina, “after that knockout…”: what happened before the coma

Unhinged, severe pain in the ear and senses lost

The testimony is correct, but as explained by the professor Mario Ireneo Sturla, specialist in sports medicine, a sudden movement of the head would be enough for the bridge veins to undergo a torsion thus causing a cerebral hemorrhage. And perhaps this is the most plausible scientific explanation for what happened: the athlete, in fact, once back in the locker room, suffered severe pain in his ear and collapsed to the ground, passing out.

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The Milan prosecutor’s office has opened a file

The doctor “told us that Daniele is stable, that we need patience and we have to pray – Cherchi said a The newspaper – It’s part of the game, this is a sport where you get punched in the face, you don’t throw a ball. But there could be many causes, maybe Daniele was stressed in this period”. Meanwhile, the Milan prosecutor’s office is monitoring the Scardina case but has not opened any files: it seems confirmed the hypothesis of an illness. The manager said again: “I received a video in which Daniele can be seen getting out of the ring without problems, before going to the locker room”. Where he collapsed losing consciousness until the run to the Humanitas hospital in Rozzano where Daniele underwent head surgery: a complex, timely and technically successful operation.

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