Home » Being single for a long time increases the risk of heart disease

Being single for a long time increases the risk of heart disease

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Singles and heart disease. The combination is mandatory after a study presented at the world cardiology congress demonstrated that men who have never married are twice as likely as married men to suffer from heart failure. This result therefore highlights not only gender differences, but also marital status.

Singles and heart disease: the risk of heart failure

Researchers explain that there is a relationship between a person’s relationship status and the clinical prognosis of heart failure. The results are so convincing that the study group advises cardiology doctors to include being male and single among the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Heart failure is also called heart failure. This is a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood. It usually has a slow progression. Sometimes it takes years for it to manifest itself. It is a fairly common disease. In Italy, decompensation affects 2% of the population, about 1,200,000 patients with an average growth of 2.3% over the next 10 years. This condition is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease and death.

Singles and heart disease: It doesn’t happen to women, widowers and divorcees

The researchers used the data contained in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. This is a study that contains information on the cardiovascular health of nearly 7,000 American adults. Nearly a hundred of them developed heart failure. Experts found that single men were more than twice as likely to die within about 5 years of being diagnosed, compared to women of any marital status. Confirmed bachelors had a 2.2 times higher risk of dying than married men. However, men who were widowed, divorced or separated did not have a higher risk of death than married men.

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We need new studies

This situation is not found in women. The study did not explain why why never married men are at such a high risk. Researchers have already announced new studies to understand why. The main hypotheses are that loneliness could be the basis, but also the worst adherence to therapies. Lifestyle also affects a lot: they generally eat worse and drink more alcohol.

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