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ChatGPT, how should artificial intelligence be used? Psychologist’s advice – breaking latest news

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ChatGPT, how should artificial intelligence be used?  Psychologist’s advice – breaking latest news
Of Maria Giovanna Faiella

In the first phase it generated euphoria, almost a sense of omnipotence, now uncertainty begins to take over, then anxiety and fear. We need a critical sense and not delegating decisions to AI

«ChatGPT speaks and writes like us. And it arouses mixed feelings. But what is his psychological impact about people? Could it destabilize us? How to use it to avoid it? «Artificial intelligence has already existed for years but was used by experts up to 7-8 months ago, since it required high technical skills – said Giuseppe Riva, full professor of psycho-technologies for well-being at the Catholic University of Milan where he directs the Humane Technology Lab –. There What’s new is that ChatGPT for the first time made AI available to a large audience, and it was hugely successful. The common user has an artificial intelligence system at his disposal with which to interact in a simple way, ask questions and receive answers».

Impact on daily life

ChatGPT dialogues with the user: questions can also be asked in Italian and he answers (the information, however, is updated to 2021).
«Many have found that much of what they do could be facilitated, in some way, by the use of AI, so it is no longer a tool for a few experts but it can have a impact on daily life – continues Professor Riva -. For example, my students started asking Chat GPT to do their term papers, programmers asked them to write the code for their programs, lots of people started asking for information and realized that AI wasn’t so bad. If this in a first stage has generated euphoria, on a psychological level almost a sense of omnipotencenow a doubt begins to arise: if what we do can also be done by artificial intelligence, it means that will he be able to replace us in many activities? For example, – observes Riva – recently GPT chat managed to pass a job interview at google for a software engineer position, for which a salary of $180,000 was expected».

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What are the risks of artificial intelligence? «After the initial euphoria of power – replies the psychologist – the second psychological phenomenon is the sense of uncertaintya, which generates a sense of anxiety and fear. Right now the world is divided in two: on the one hand, there are those who argue that AI represents the highest point of man who manages to go beyond his own limits; on the other, there are those who say that it risks creating confusion: if all activities can be replaced by machines, what will man do? Then there is the problem of responsibility – underlines the expert -. If a doctor uses AI to make decisions, who is responsible if he is wrong?
Chat GPT it is a promising but also imperfect technology: wrong but good because, even when he doesn’t know the answer, he invents it so that it seems believable. Who checks if he tells the truth? To the fear of being replaced by a machinetherefore, the is also added fear that what he says is not truecausing a sense of insecurity».

How to use AI

How artificial intelligence should be used? “The starting point is to always have Critical sense – underlines Professor Riva -. The AI ​​is not a person who can “feel” the other and his emotions, understand if he is saying the truth or the false. Artificial intelligence, then, he does not have the ability to predict the future and it makes many mistakes: it is effective when it does not have to decide, but delegating the decision to the AI ​​system risks losing human sensitivity and generating problems. For example, GPT Chat that’s fine if it is used as it was once done with garzantine that is to find informationBut delegate our decisions to AI, for example whether to go to the doctor based on the diagnosis it proposes, is a big mistake not to be done”.

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March 4, 2023 (change March 4, 2023 | 06:57)

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