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Do you sleep badly? A wake-up call that should not be underestimated: you are probably suffering from this

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Do you sleep badly?  A wake-up call that should not be underestimated: you are probably suffering from this

Do you sleep little and badly? Is insomnia becoming a constant problem and you don’t know the causes? Pay attention to the symptoms, it could be an alarm bell sent by your body to warn you of an “anomaly”.

The organism is a perfect machine, a sophisticated gear able to “alert” the control systems when something does not work in the right direction. Here then the so-called peep out ā€œspieā€ ie the symptoms. Insomnia is one of these, it can derive from various factors, but generally we tend to underestimate a specific cause.

Do you sleep little? Attention it could be this condition (mammastyle.it)

There are millions of people in the world that every night they deal with insomnia. The causes of this condition can be both psychological and physical (in some conditions both are present). Often it can be attributed to periods of high stress and nervousness, such as for example a bereavement or problems related to work.

It is not uncommon for people to experience problems falling asleep under these circumstances. So what to do in this case? The first thing is to avoid DIY, especially if insomnia occurs constantly. In fact, the solution should always be sought with the help of a doctor who can rule out organic causes or contributory causes.

If you sleep badly too, it’s a clear alarm bell: be careful

Paying attention to the symptoms is therefore necessary to find serenity again, it is no mystery that lack of sleep has a negative effect on the quality of life. Insomnia, especially if repeated, involves a drastic decrease in concentration, memory and an increase in stress hormone, generating a sense of frustration and nervousness. Have you ever wondered, though, what the factors are at the basis of a disturbed or completely absent sleep?

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insomnia attention
Pay close attention to insomnia: what it means. (mammastyle.it)
  • Few are aware of it, but often this condition is the effect of one vitamin deficiency. To overcome this problem, one must therefore start from an adequate diet, preferring seasonal foods that are healthy and rich in beneficial properties;
  • Another determining cause of the appearance of insomnia is to be found in the presence of certain pathologies, such as, for example, those affecting the thyroid gland. For this reason, it is always necessary to consult a doctor.

If the professional, through specific examinations and his experience, should rule out physical pathologies and should ascertain that the difficulties in falling asleep are due to psychological factors alone, then a mental health expert should be consulted.

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