Home » “The fundamental role of forests in combating climate change. Our commitment to the ecological transition” — Emilia-Romagna News

“The fundamental role of forests in combating climate change. Our commitment to the ecological transition” — Emilia-Romagna News

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“The fundamental role of forests in combating climate change.  Our commitment to the ecological transition” — Emilia-Romagna News

Bologna – One “made in Emilia-Romagna” wood supply chain more sustainable both from an environmental and an economic point of view. That is, able to increase the absorption of carbon dioxide and to make i more resilient forests to climatic adversities, but also to promote opportunities for growth and development particularly in peripheral and mountainous areas.

Also look beyond 3 thousand companies That between Rimini and Piacenza are active in the wood and forestry sector and employ over 10,200 peoplethe project Life CO2 PES &PEF, the results of which were presented today in Bologna at Mountain Unions of Emilia-Romagna and Friuli Venezia Giuli and which on 24 March will be at the center of an initiative in Milan – also promoted by the Region – which will see the participation of the Ministry of food sovereignty and forestsfrom the Central and Northern Regions he was born in C.R.E.A., the National Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economics Analysis.

“Forests play a key role in tackling climate change by providing primary ecosystem services such as regulating water and air and making wood and other products available– he comments Barbara Lori, Councilor for Forestry, Parks, Territorial and Landscape Planning -. As a Region we believe it is necessary to support a process that involves all the components of society, starting with businesses, citizens and institutions. The goal is to feed a shared virtuous circuit through innovations, new forms of investment and new monitoring systems. A path that must facilitate the mobilization of private resources in cooperation with public finance, making it possible to face the environmental transition in a sustainable and strategic way”.

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New forest management techniques

Woods and forests that regenerate the environment therefore, but which can also make an important contribution to “regenerate” the economy for the benefit of local communities. This is the bet of life project which is nearing completion and which has seen finalization innovative forest management techniquestested in the territories of regional forest property in the province of Forlì-Cesena and in those of collective property of the Comunalie Parmensias well as in the areas of the regional state property of Fusine in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Demonstrating an increase in the ability to store carbon dioxideas well as of reduce hydrogeological risk and the fire and crash hazard.

But not only. Among the objectives of the project is also that of promoting a local wood supply chain ever more sustainable and ever more production-oriented building and furnishing products, therefore long-lasting, where today the main destination is energy. Also an economic opportunity considering that today Italy is a country that it imports 80% of its needs of wood products.

Companies in the sector by province

They are 3.040 companies active in the wood supply chain in the province Piacenza are 217, in that of Parma 449, in that of Reggio Emilia 477, while in Modenese 508. And again; in the province of Bologna there are 510 wood companies, in Ferrarese 178, in Ravenna 183. Finally I am 302 in the province of Forlì-Cesena e 216 in the Rimini area.

In Emilia-Romagna the wooded area is equal to 630 miles ettari, he 28% of the regional territory. Since the beginning of the legislature, in order to qualify the operators who directly intervene on this extraordinary reservoir of oxygen, biodiversity and services for man and the environment, the Region has created within the Regional Rural Development Program 47 training courseswhich they participated in more 1,300 forest operators.

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Coordinated by High school Saint Anne of Pisathe European project Life CO2PES&PEF was started in 2020 and saw the participation, as well as of Regions of Emilia-Romagna and Friuli Venezia Giuliaof the Municipal Consortium of Parma, FederlegnoArredo, Legambiente, the Union of Municipalities of Romagna Forlivese and the University of Milan.

Paola Fedriga

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