Home » You’ve got mail, Roberta wants to recover relations with Alessio: he closes the envelope

You’ve got mail, Roberta wants to recover relations with Alessio: he closes the envelope

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You’ve got mail, Roberta wants to recover relations with Alessio: he closes the envelope

Roberta has arrived at You’ve Got Mail. The woman wants to make peace with her son who has never accepted the relationship with his new partner.

The protagonists of the second story of You’ve Got Mail on 4 March are Roberta and her son Alessio. The woman turned to the broadcast conducted by Maria De Filippi because she wants to recover the link with Alessio. The latter never accepted his mother’s new partner, 17 years younger than her and with black skin.

Roberta for her part said she received insults for this. In any case, Alessio’s decision was peremptory: he closed the envelope, so much so that at one point he stated that his mother is indifferent to him.

You’ve got mail, the story of Roberta and Alessio: “I miss hearing myself called mom”

Before understanding how the relationship between mother and child has deteriorated, it is good to take stock of what was behind it. Roberta separated from her husband after facing two periods of crisis with the latter. Later the woman will bond with her new partner, David and from this relationship a girl will also be born. In particular when Roberta becomes pregnant with her, her son puts her in a corner, so much so that he will ask her to have an abortion.

Following his mother’s intervention, Alessio took the floor specifying that the fact that David has black skin is a secondary aspect: “He preferred his partner to me, I had put him at a crossroads. At home we were never happy and I told her ‘It’s me or him’ and she replied that she couldn’t finish a two year relationship ”. In turn, the woman replied: “I looked for you for two and a half years and only insults came from you. You never send me a text saying ‘Mom I miss you’”.

Alessio: “It seemed like he was going out with a friend of mine”

At one point the discussion became particularly thorny. Alessio highlighted that for him his mother is his father’s new partner. Maria De Filippi pointed out to him: “If you insult her, it’s not easy”, to which the young man turned the matter from another angle, specifying that he had also received insults from David. The man kept his calm and in a firm tone pointed out that the threats weren’t from him: “How do you sleep peacefully keeping your mom like this?”, is the sentence he uttered.

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Alessio’s final decision is adamant: he doesn’t want to know anything about his mother or little sister and unfortunately the words of Maria De Filippi were not enough to make him give up. Roberta also begs not to close the envelope, then she explains that among the other words that her son said to her there is also the sentence “You deserve to die every day”sentence immediately corrected and retracted by Alessio: “I said she was dead to me, but I wish death on no one.” Unfortunately it ends here.

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